New silversmith fidelium cable

You need to try the speaker cable. It is a complete game changer in the audio industry. Probably the biggest improvement ever in sound quality and realism. These will impress audiophiles all over the world. 

Showing 5 responses by scolley

@fxman tried to tell everyone eight months ago. And I tried to reinforce that myself a couple of months later. Now with this review out there, you're likely going to have a hard time even getting a pair, as I'll wager there's likely going to be a landslide of orders. Good luck.

IMO This is a game changing product. If you get them, and are not bowled over, you've got some kind of problem with your setup, something other than speaker cables.
I'm in major agreement with fxman. I've got a pair of 6' Fideliums myself, and I've got to say that I am stunned at the difference they make. They replaced my Norsodt Blue Heaven LS cables, and their improved imaging and realism is absolutely jaw dropping. I was hoping that I might might hear some beneficial difference. But I never expected a cable that was so good that I was sold before I could finish the first song I listened to. Heck, I knew I was onto something significant after just a few notes.

They are amazing. But don't take my word for it. Something like this, the word on the street will prove me right soon enough. They're just so new that almost no one's heard them. But if you can, you should, provided you have a highly resolving system.
"Tried everything over the 25+ years and nothing has made this much improvement in sound reproduction. When I say everything I mean top brands and show winners that we all talk about."
I've been a budget minded audiophile for 40+ years myself, and this is only the third time - in all that time - that I've made a change to my system that was instantly audible, and left me with absolutely no interest in wasting time A/B'ing. If you have a well resolving system, to not hear this, you'd have to be deaf.

I've already weighed in on how these sound, and I'm not a trusted source for that kind of feedback here, so I'll not belabor it. But I can give you some info on cosmetics. These cables are somewhat delicate. I'm sure they are tough enough, given their covering in a laminate. But whats inside that laminate is a sheet of metal foil. Not as thin as a sheet of household aluminum foil (roughly twice as thick), but foil all the same.
I was putting mine up on risers. I'm using these Audioquest Fog lifters. In that process, while one cable was still on my wooden floor, I dropped one of the risers, and it landed on a cable. Now that cable has a pucker in that spot, that will never be removed. There goes that flawless golden ribbon. Still works fine, of course. And does not look that bad actually. But it's no longer perfect. IMO if you are one of those people that refuse do buy a used item here if the cosmetic condition is not a 10, then stay away from these cables. But if you can put up with the inevitable crinkles that will  happen in handling, and gently-gently pulling them through cabinet openings and such, then they are wonderful.
I'm not in this hobby to show off my gear. I'm in it for the sound. And these perform remarkably well in that regard. I just sold a pair of Nordost Blue Heaven speaker cables that I'd been using for years, and they were  in good condition. So I know being careful with a speaker cable is possible. And on some - like Nordost's - it's practically required, if you care about cosmetics. On these, somewhat more so.
However, if you are one of those people that do like to show off their gear, there's no hiding these things. A pair of 2 1/4" wide, shiny gold ribbons running from your gear to your speakers is not something you'll easily hide. Even more so if you put them on risers. They show themselves off. Brilliantly. And IMO, look wonderful.
I just had a blinding flash of the obvious regarding the Fideliums. Specifically, I suspect they may never get serious review from either Stereophile or The Absolute Sound. Why?

Both of those two mags rely heavily on printed advertising revenue. And the Fideliums have that ability to seriously undercut the business of some of their most prominent advertisers, which - of course - is bad for their own business. Who wants to write a review that might seriously damage the business of one (or more) of their key sources of income? So anyone sitting on the fence waiting for the thumbs up from one of the two major hifi mags may well have to keep waiting.

Others will trust things like Positive Feedback dot com’s recent comment in their Writer’s Choice Awards:
"Having lived with the costliest wire on the planet, I can say with certainty the Fidelium has achieved cost no-object performance for under a grand."

That’s one heck of an accolade. It’s just not in a printed magazine.