Thanks for the updates. Please keep me advised. Have a small farm, and motorcycles (hobby) don't have as much time as I would like for my music, but, seem to manage. If I were to choose Fidelizer 2, should I specify the length of the umbilical cord, and does it matter? That is the cord from the power supply to the Project, correct? Thanks again all for the education. Robert
John, so happy for you. I have been using my 6000 cdt audiolab, probably similar to your Cambridge. I know the joy your experiencing with the RS2T,as I did the same. Like having a new CD collection. I am going to try a third unit soon, as soon as the Music Room gets one. I hope the 3rd is the charm. Two have already gone back. BEST OF LUCK, I'm jealous. Enjoy Robert
kingdeezie: Yes it does, and you are correct. My wife and I had a similar argument (discussion, she made me put that in) We were both on the fence, that said, one more time, only because I heard the SOUND!! I wish I had a listen to the new BIG JAY"S unit. People have said that the smaller Jay's unit is not as good as the project RS2T, which makes mean lean towards the Big one. I guess time will tell. A lot of the transport/DAC's some people are recommending are very good, I'm Sure. But, i really like my Meitner MA-1, so all I need is a good transport. Robert
Gentlemen, Thank you so much for the response in regards to the LPS. Riding coattails is not a problem. Done it many a time. I have read many good things on The Fidelizer 2 thus far. Charles one DAD, don't laugh too much. I asked my wife when I read your post, REF: your Avatar, what is that, she asked? I commented, I have no clue. As I approach 70 this December, I realize how computer illiterate I am at times. I will figure it out though. Just thought I'd give you a good laugh. Robert
To Charles 1 Dad and many of the others who helped me. I'm glad the other member was able to remedy the puck issue. I believe one member suggested the lack of better machining to tolerances. I will look into the LPS that Charles mentioned. Just wanting to listen to some music for now with the stock power supply. Actually, a shame to have to say this, but, want to make sure it continues to work properly before I invest any more money! Again Thanks to all.
Kudo's to The Music ROOM/ They stood by me and were very attentive to the issues at hand. They had my back the whole time. Thank you MUSIC ROOM
thank you for the video, I had watched it once before and really didn't pay attention. It looks very obvious that the puck drop right down on the disc to secure it, mine wont. Thanks again
To all of you that tried to help. I really and sincerely appreciate it!!!!! My wife and I played with the puck today, and discovered a very minor burr on the inside of the plastic/metal puck that secures the disc. It was extremely minor, but, We didn't want to force anything. Between trial and error the burr must have broken free, and allowed the puck to magnetically move into place. I will recheck tomorrow, but, I believe the situation is remedied. I have my fingers crossed. Ps and I'm laughing as I type. May start to look for a linear power supply soon. Thanks again to all!!!
Hello folks: Robert Shaw from TN: Charles, again thanks for all your help and guidance, and everyone else that contributed.
My second unit is going back as soon as I can get an RA number and printed label from the Music Room. Today, I went out to listen to music, as the puck issue was remedied. I turned the transport on and just the blue light under the switch turned on, NO illuminated screen!!!! WEIRD!!! I switched to another receptacle that I knew was fine, as my Line AMP was working just fine on that receptacle, and the Rs2T turned on.
I listened to the CDT for an hour with NO issues, What a GREAT UNIT!!!! It sounds FABULOUS. WOW. I decided to stream Qobuz for a while as I am a new customer and it was fine. I decided for the last half hour, before going in for dinner, I would go back to the RS2T. Upon switching the DAC to AES from USB and turning the RS2T on (moving the switch to on) just the blue light came on!!! The screen was totally blank. I turned the transport off again, and waited a couple of minutes before turning it back on, and just the blue light was lighted, NO screen!!! How can a unit play uninterrupted for an hour and sound so good, and the just CRAP out.. I worked very hard for my money, just like everyone else, Just tired I guess. Sorry to burden you guys, you have been great. Just wanted you to know the status!!! Thanks again to all.
Good evening: I received a RA number and a shipping label today from The Music room to return my Non-working Rs2T project. I am so upset, that Yes, I've had to return 2 units in a period of less than two weeks because they didn't WORK properly. For those of you that have one and working properly, I envy you. I went back today to my Audio lab 6002 transport, (Meitner MA-1 DAC) listening for an hour to what I thought was a good Transport, which it is. However, it doesn't hold a candle to the project transport. The project is so HIGH END, it's not funny. I actually feel lost now. With the project I actually felt that I had a brand new CD collection. It was actually exciting to listen again!!!! I really want my project back, BUT, ONE THAT ACTUALLY WORKS!!!!! What is wrong with this company, they have a winner here!!!!!! Don't they realize it?????? I am now at a loss as what to do, and what to buy. After being burnt twice, do you try a third???? I would be a monster if the 3rd one didn't work!! Not sure what to do at this point. Those of you that have a working model, know what I'm talking about. Don't know how JAY"S compares, whether it be the cd2 mk3 or cd3 mrk3? just feeling lost. Jays offers a year warranty and Project a 2year. Thanks for letting me Ramble. Have a good evening.
Thanks all. After having the taste of honey, and then having it taken away!!! Will most likely contact The Music room, and asking " How do I get a WORKING model of the RS2T????? Then wondering about each of the JAY'S units?
Tweak 1 suggested $899 DS3 CD player from project. I'm sure if dollars and cents mean anything, it is a much lesser unit that the RS2T. How do you defeat the player aspect and use it just as a transport, all my hook ups are Balanced on my Benchmark LA-4 line AMP.
If anyone can comment on the Jay's units, that would be great. Tks
John, Robert from above a couple of posts. I wish you a lot of luck. I would love to be in your position, of having to decide when to add my LPS. I'm hoping it's not to far away. As Charles 1 DAD said in his post, after hearing it, it's hard not to give it every opportunity to survive. I sincerely hope my 3rd is a winner. As I've said before, it was like having a brand new collection, no exaggeration. John, I hope you continue to have success. Don't know your DAC, but, hope a great synergy. Robert PS: I have e mailed Gunter Rathammer a high ranking officer in the project chain and he responded. I certainty hope he can help me obtain a working unit. We shall see.
John and Charles 1DAD, Thanks. I am going to e mail Gunter, in a moment. That was a good idea to have him check out the forum.
Another question to all. I am going to call the music room shortly and ask them this question: Should my unit need servicing,( in and out of warranty) do you (in my case) service it? do you send it out to a local service r? Do you send it back to the factory? I really am trying to keep one!!!!!! I'll keep all posted. So far only one response from MR. Rathammer, asking where did I buy it, and what country do i live in? For all those that have a working unit, ENJOY! Robert
I 'm curious to hear the response. I just took the plunge for a third unit a couple of days ago. They are going to check out the unit prior to shipping. Maybe, just maybe someone interjected this time and told someone, don't send this guy another unit that doesn't work. I can only hope!!! I will keep you posted when i receive it and after. Trying to establish some faith. Thanks all for helping. Robert
It's good to be back. I received my 3rd unit on 8/8/22 A black clad unit that has reportedly been checked out. On my first play on that date. Surprise, everything worked. Listened for two hours, in Heaven, hopes that's what it's like. Things just sounded great. Then the next day as I felt a little strange (if you knew me that would be hard to diagnose) I tested positive for covid, Oh boy, just delighted. Feel a little better after a couple of days. Going out this afternoon for at least and hour or two. Have my fingers crossed. I keep all posted. Wish me luck, with either or both. Have a great weekend. Robert
Thank you all for your thoughts. Today is a much better day for me,(usually a healthy ox) recovering quickly i hope. A very successful day with the RS2T. Turned it on and it acted as it should. Two hours of various Rock and Roll artists. Pink Floyd, Def Leopard, Led Zeppelin. Emerson lake and Palmer, Rush, Great White etc. all playing wonderfully!!!. My fingers hurt having crossed them continually. Out of such a small box, yielding such a great sound. I stream qobuz now and again, and when I play my Cd's with this Transport, I still can't believe that they can sound this GOOD!!! For the person that asked and others, if curious. System is as follows:: Tekton Double Impacts (upgraded) SVS SB 4000 SUB, Meitner DAC MA-1, Benchmark LA-4 Line AMP, ATI 6002 AMP and of Course the RS2T CD transport. No real Hi-End cables, just good upgrades over stock, Wire World Electra power cables. My acoustics in my shop area, that I have designated as a listening area are superb, why, I have no Idea, played as everyone does with there speaker placement, just luck I guess, IN THAT REGARD. System all Balanced. Hope I can come back shortly with a positive review continuing. Robert
Thanks so much for the INFO. I went to the Amazon site you listed, they look beautiful, but, you always wonder the old add-age,UGWUPF, easier to type. I think I may take the plunge and try 2 PC for my AMP as it requires 2 cords. Hope I downloaded your suggestion properly. Robert $44.85 for a 10 gauge 5' cable Amazon Hope that's right. TKS
Charles 1 dad. Nice to hear from you. The answer is YES. So far so good. I've listened for maybe about 10 hours thus far without an issue. Started listening to some CD's I haven't heard for years. Kind of opening the door that hasn't been opened in ages and discovering something new. I was afraid to say anything prematurely, lest, something bad would happen. I am very pleased thus far. Glad I didn't throw in the towel completely.
Before I look into the LPS I will most likely wait until the Music Room 60 day period expires. It is on my list. Just wondering if I may pick your brain. I have an ATI 6002 model power amp,(quite robust)and am looking to replace the 2 stock power cords the unit has. Don't want to spend a lot of money in that direction,but, would like to upgrade. The only thing that makes real sense to me is a lower gauge wire cord. Most likely a 10 or 8 gauge. Any thoughts are very much appreciated. Thanks again for checking in. Robert TN Would like to stay under 6 hundred for both, if possible? Tks again
First growth and Charles 1 Dad Thanks so much for your help. I hope others follow this blog, as the Project RS2T is that good. I think most people (myself being one) look at the price and the diminutive size and immediately dismiss the purchase. (not to mention the quality control issues discussed) If they read this and pay attention, they will be rewarded. The blog has assisted me greatly. Charles one, I will further explore your power cable suggestions. I was going to buy and still may the Cullen Crossover 2 cable, which happens to be 10mm gauge. My only concerns is that Patrick has stated in his e mail, 2 to 3 weeks. However, after doing a little exploring, 2 to 3 weeks may mean 2 to 3 months? His company or he himself may have merged with and the back log may be a long time????? Don't know Others that I have considered in Pangea AC 95 SE Mk11 1.5 meters and Shunyata Venom HC V2 also 10 gauge. I will look into your suggestions. Thank you! If anyone else reads this post and has any suggestions, please feel free to suggest anything. I have been very educated as a result of this posting, thank you all!!!! Robert TN
You guys have been great. I really appreciative all your power cord recommendations. Somewhat narrowed down to these four.
Cullen crossover 2 5' About $750 for 2 cables (My AMP has 2 Cords)
Audio Envy Ocean-Elite 3 P 5' Most reasonable Just under $400 2 cords
Zavfino Majestic Mk2 5' 2 cables about $900
Triode Wire labs 700 plus American series 5' About $1100 2 cords
I like one thing on the menu, Too many to choose from. I'm sure they are all excellent, if anyone has any thoughts, that would be great. I'm not sure why, but, Cullen seems to get my attention????? Thanks Robert TN
Charles1DAD, and ipretiring: As soon as I get a invoice from Cullen, My wife and I decided on the Cullen Crossover 2 cables 10awg. We both choose them
independent of one another, maybe a good sign. I'm sure the others are great also. May choose one for the LPS later to compliment the Rs2T. Providing it lasts through the 60 day trial window? For a different treat after cutting grass for 2 hrs, I listened to my IEM's which I haven't done in a long time. I forgot how good they are when you just want a quick listen, Hour or so. Hear is a taste if interested. I have an I-phone 6s coupled with an I phone camera adapter cable, attached to that is an IFI BTR5 ( if I remember correctly) headphone amp and DAC which then connects to my IEM's. (FIIO FH5 ) If you keep them WIRED rather than Bluetooth, and subscribe to Qobuz for example or Amazon HD, ( I do both) you will get an absolute treat. If it's 192 for example you will get 192, Just amazing sound. Hard to believe from an IEM. Just my 2 cents. Enjoy Have a great weekend all. Tks again for all your help Ps Has to remain WIRED to get that sound, otherwise just Good..
Charles1DAD, Thank you for checking in. Have about 12 hours or so invested. So far so good. My fingers are tired after crossing them so much. I played a CD that I hadn't listened to in a while, The best of the EAGLES. Wow, couldn't get over the sound. Just awaking. Hoping all continues well. Thank you for your power cable suggestions, and others also. I decided to go with the 10 gauge Cullen Crossover 2 cables. My AMP ATI 6002 requires 2 cables, so it was somewhat expensive. Looking forward to receiving them and seeing what they are capable of doing? I assume a few weeks,but, who can tell anymore. I will let all know the outcome. Also starting to look at some LPS. I know you have the Fidelizer Nikola 2 and seem to really like it. That is one of my considerations, another that interests me is the LTA LPS, if that is correct? I believe roughly the same cost? There are others too. Just tipping my foot in the water at this point. Thanks again for checking in, I'll keep you posted. Robert TN
Facten, and Charles 1Dad, In answer to factens post, I received JUST one post from the Rathammer initially. I had sent several or at least a few additional posts to him citing my experiences. To date: He or any representative from Project has never contacted me. Very disappointed. To me service is EVERYTHING!!! Most anything I buy, service is the deciding factor. So far my RS2T is performing as it should, now with the third one. I will continue to look into the LPS, with the aforementioned thought in mind. ( SERVICE) If anyone has any thoughts or experience with LPS, please feel free to comment.
Would it not be nice to hear from a company rep: on this post! From any company that makes them??? Listened to my system for an 1 1/2 today, just keeps getting better, if that possible. Have a great weekend all. Be safe!
Very disappointing that the REP: from Project didn't respond further, it would have meant a great deal to me. Listened yesterday for a hour and a half. Thought it sounded better than before, but, wrote it off to the Bourbon. Turns out as Charles said, improves with time, even with the wall wart. Can't imagine with the LPS and a upgraded power cable.
Just curious why Charles 1 DAD and Lpretiring , both decided on the Same LPS for the Project??? Just nosy I guess. Haven't really started looking yet. But, what better recommendation than for actual ownership!!!! I'm sure I could look up the phone number, but if handy would appreciate. Lpreting , just curious as to your time frame of ordering and receipt. Thanks very much. Robert
Charles 1DAD, I hope this is ok to ask? Just wondering what speakers your listening to? Thanks, I think! Robert
Charles 1 DAD, Thanks very easy to do. All I can say is WOW! Very Impressive! system. Thank you. Robert
Also, to the above (baylinor) I could have gone very easily to the Jay's and been very happy. Hope you enjoy yours as much as I Finally enjoy mine. Happy Listening
Charles1 Dad and lpreting, Glad you received your RS2T and it is working well, mine continues to work well, my crossed fingers aren't as tight as they used to be. Also glad you received the LPS, I believe that Charles is correct, but, time will tell as to break in. I'm waiting for my 2 Cullen Crossover 2 cables, nothing to date, just being patient. Looking forward to adding them to my AMP, which I love. Hoping for a very noticeable improvement. Also, have been reviewing LPS, I have started reading on the LTA LPS, The Fedelizer that you both own (which has gotten very good reviews) and the Plixir elite BDC unit. The LTA unit is the only one so far that is made in the USA. I always think about service regardless, and the need for repairs if necessary? It would be easier if some of the companies I'm reviewing had a USA arm for service. Plus a one year warranty, pretty short. Even the RS2T has a 2 year. The Plixir I beleive is Thailand. Just hoping both of your Fedilizers are true winners, I have my fingers crossed for both of you. Good sharing of ideas. Thanks Robert Shaw
Thanks to you both for the update. Still waiting for my cables. Been 3 weeks now, I guess that's the price you pay, No pun intended. What is the protocol for ordering? Do I need make mention other than the cord length, 20V 3 amp, or are they familiar with the Project RS2T unit? Thanks Robert
Thanks Charles, I'll shoot them an email soon, and ask those specific questions. Have a good weekend. Robert
Sirs, Charles one dad and lpretiring: still investigating LPS, Your decision to purchase the Fidelizer Nikola2 has my attention: I've been to Audio Bacon website or post: He has several that have passed the litmus test. With research on them all. A lot to take in, I grant you! It's not a deciding factor by any means, but, The LTA LPS has a 2 year warranty, which caught my attention. I don't want that to be deciding factor, but, never the less caught my attn: Just curious, If either one of you, or friends have tried any other LPS. I know Charles one, has a very revered friend that suggested the Fidelizer, for what I believe to be obvious reasons, SOUND QUALITY. I have no problem as I have said before, (riding ones coattails). Just curious if there is anything else out there, that you wished you had looked at? Thanks Robert
Charles one and lpretiring: You may not realize it, but, your responses were very informative. Thanks to you both. Happy listening. Robert
Charles 1 DAD and lpretiring: Getting closer, as the investigation continues. Do either one of you know the Project RS2T DC power plug Diameter? 1.3mm/1.7mm/2.1mm/2.5mm Also when ordering The Fidelizer Nikola2, do they match the 20V 3 amps exactly? I know some other companies I've looked into, indicate 2-4-6-8 amp choice and a voltage choice, for ex: 19V or 24V. I haven't had a chance to email the Music Room, where purchased, or directly to Project to get that answered. My first choice so far is your first choice. Also, is the purchase done solely by e-mail? Have to look a little later tonight if I get a chance. Thanks as usual. Robert
Thanks, to both of you. Pretty much have it down to the two Charles mentioned.
Just trying to read as many reviews as I can. Did you both order yours from the Fidelizer web page? I'll have to look later or tomorrow, as football is on tonight. Thanks again to both of you. Robert
Very close to making a decision on the LPS. On the game last night, Two GREAT QB's, Herbert provided that pick 6, tore the sole out after being so close. Mahomes just seems to be a magician. That is without Hill too.
My team is the Steelers. They play NE this Sunday 1PM, I believe. Then a quick turn around on Thursday night football against the Browns. I hope we don't miss TJ Watt too much. The reason I asked the DC power plugs diameter, I believe in the ordering page , they asked that question? Not positive, I'll have to check. Also fighting not buying made in the USA. Decisions, Decisions ???? Still have the Plixer Elite BDC in the back of my mind, except I don't believe they make or meet the exact electrical requirements, it's either 2 or 4 amps and either 19V or 24 volts. I haven't had a chance to ask Project yet if those numbers above are aceptable, don't want to take any chances. Have a great day, thanks for all your help. Robert
LP thanks for the info. I may do the same thing. Almost there decision wise. Hope your unit continues to improve as burn in is continued. Let me know, please. Thanks, Robert
I hope your right on the Steelers issue. We will see. I haven't had a chance to directly contact Project for the answer to that question. If not I will hold true to your recommendation, which I believe is the best advice. Thanks Have a great weekend. Ps listened for 2 hours yesterday, with Project shining.
Firstgrowth, I have had 2 that went down for the count. Different issues, but, never the less, were returned via the Music Room, great place to do business by the way. I took a chance on a third one, as the sound is just incredible. I had a Audio lab 6000 transport that was very good,but, this is a LARGE step up. I've had my new one for a month now and so far so good. Good luck with your order. I am looking at LPS as we speak and narrowing them down. Charles who has commented on yours has helped me stay the course. At this point I'm glad I did. Just curious as to your LPS and which model. If you plan on selling it, I may be interested? Providing I don't buy one in the interim. Good Luck Robert TN
Jeff4598, Jeff, I assume you own and are referring to the Linear Tube Audio LPS. I've commented several times on my RS2T, and how much I like it and its SOUND. I have been investigating the purchase of a LPS, and have narrowed it down to 2 units. I am very close to pulling the trigger. The two units are the LTA/LPS and the "Charles and LPreting" endorsed, very enthusiastically Fidelizer Nickola 2 LPS. From what I have been able to discover, they both have their proponents. Nothing really negative on either, both quite positive. Both are very close in price. I have texted with Fidelizer, and spoken with Nikolas of LTA. Both appeared to be great to deal with. One is Foreign and has a 30 day trial with a 1 year warranty. The other USA, 14 day trial period, and a 2 year warranty. Charles and lpreting seem just plain happy with their purchases as do you. Anyone that can offer anything else that I'm missing or have overlooked would be appreciated. Thanks to all as usual. Robert TN
Thank you very much. I'm laughing as I try to research hi-Fi items on the computer as I twist my neck to watch Football. Comical really. Thank you, for all your help, Sincerely meant. Robert I feel like I'm at the Audio restaurant, asking the waitress, what is the best thing on the menu? I know it's ultimately my decision, that I'm hoping someone else make for me. Have a great Sunday and enjoy your football!
Nice of you to ask. Short of long, storm related damage to large tree downed. Had to chain saw all and transport to burn pile and today, have to take the excavator out of shop to remove large stump and plant new tree, ALL DAY JOB!
On a brighter note. Received my newest piece, a Linear Tube Audio, LPS, on Thursday afternoon. I was impressed with its build quality!! Heavy. Yesterday being Friday, was my first opportunity to fire it up. Listened for 2 hours solid at high Volume level, which is a Rock and Roll standard for me. Out of the box I really wasn't expecting a great deal, but, was pleasantly surprised. What I perceived initially was the following: Sound stage seemed larger, more open and dynamic and seemed clearer if that's possible? All subjective of course. Maybe that's what I wanted to hear, but, surprisingly the Wife agreed wholeheartedly to the aforementioned. Just curious as to the sound image as burn in continues. We shall see. Note: Very Impressed with LTA company and their product. Order and delivery via UPS was just about 3 weeks. Now toying with a new Power supply cable to compliment it. I remember you adding a new cable to your Fedilizer and were quite impressed. Quick question, if you don't mine, I remember someone on the site asking if a New Upgraded power cable to a Sub would compliment it? Don't remember the response. Thanks Charles as usual. Will keep all apprised. Robert
My brother is a big college game guy. We spoke this am. he said as you did, great game. Have fingers crossed, hoping for the best. Enjoy your football today! Robert
So far so good with my RS2T, I have added the LTA LPS and have been quite pleased. I'm using it with a Wire World Upgraded (bluish colored Power Cord) the one just before the Electra version which is OCC copper. Just ordered a level 3 power cord from ANTI-CABLES. Will let everyone know the out come once I've had it for a while. Over all, VERY Happy! ROCK & ROLL Happy New Year
I honestly believe I have been through hell with the RS2T. Charles one DAD from above has kept me afloat, THANK YOU!!!!. I have had 2 units that were flawed, to put it mildly. My third has been a GEM, SOOOO FAR. I have added a LPS from LTA and have added an up graded power cord. ( I Believe in the unit) I can't begin to describe to you what an upgrade it has been. I have and have had an Audio Lab 6000 in both my systems, and for the money it can't be beat. But, at 3K it is a very large investment to me for a CD transport. ONCE YOU HEAR IT< IN IT"S STOCK CONDITION< YOU WILL BE AMAZED. A CD sounding this good. Have fun, and enjoy, ONE OF MY BEST INVESTMENTS!!!! If you can swing the coin, one way or the other you will be rewarded. If CD'd are something you enjoy, all I can say is WOW!! You only go around once!!!
Very interesting. Again I will say It took me a 3rd unit to get one to work properly. Going out shortly to listen for a couple of hours. At least one of those hours will be strictly CD's. I had the music room "thoroughly" check my third unit before shipping. I am way beyond the 30 day trial period at this point, and have also invested in a LTA LPS for the RS2T. There is a 2 year warranty on same, hoping I dont have to use it. I think, (my opinion only) that in order to find something that sounds as good, you would have to spend thousands more. Vinshine audio has a MORE expensive unit available, don't know the track record though?? Would never spend more than I did on a transport ever again. If my RS2T ever fails, PERIOD!! and cannot be fixed, I will never buy another product from Pro-Ject EVER!! I don't think Pro-ject will let it ever get to that????? Just my 2cts. Good luck!
I think Charles one dad is spot on. You can read my earlier threads. I just listened for a bout 5 hours over the last 2 afternoons with my RS2T and it was GREAT! After experiencing my past, (previous units) it's always fingers crossed when I turn it on. But, for the past several months (newest model #3) it plays just like it should. For those of us that have one or have heard one, it's just heaven. I know my cables and some equipment is still burning in, so each and every time I listen, some additional nuances are heard.
lpretiring is spot on. It doesn't take much. You may not even feel or see the burr or imperfection. BEFORE YOU KNOW IT, IT JUST SNAPS IN PLACE. Enjoy EYE OPENING!!!!
Bernardo. just adding my 2 cents. I am on my 3rd one, as the previous have been defective. The newest one is doing just fine, SO FAR!!! about 7 months, maybe 8? I have added a Linear power supply from LT Audio and a good grade Anti cable Power cable. I have a very nice system to compliment the unit. It is really divine to listen to Cd's, some still better than others, can't change that, recording process.
With my back ground on the units, all of which were purchased through the Music Room, they have been great with them. The 3rd Unit,upon my request was tested at their facility for any issues, it passed, an now I own it, with A 2 YEAR WARRANTY. Based upon my past experience (maybe just unlucky, as were several others) I would not buy one without a warranty. Don't know anything about your sellers warranty?? I would just be very cautious. Hope this helps. Robert TN They are not CHEAP $$$$$ If it was only 30 or 60 days, That would make me nervous. Good luck!!!
As Charles one has stated, I concur. Charles has helped me numerous times with his expertise as I have little. I trust and listen to his posts often for that reason. As a result I bought my third one, hesitantly.
I just can't get over how it makes the CD's sing like no other. With a good DAC, which you own, you should be in heaven. People that haven't experienced the RS2T can't understand, its that good. Enjoy Robert
Bob7296 Thanks for the update. I was the one that initially started all this.
I couldn't agree more, it is the best I've ever heard, and not just for the money! I'm on my third one, from the music room. They were great to deal with, and checked my third one before they shipped it. So far so good. My puck had a small burr on the inside. I removed it an its been just fine.
I actually hope they (project) work out the bugs and start shipping NEW ONES that have been future proofed. They have a gold mine, and don't know it!!!!!
Haven't posted in a while. Just an update from the originator of this topic. My third unit (RS2T) is and has worked well for some time now. It is paired with a Bricasti M1 SE DAC with network card (AES-EBU) connection. Good cable, not crazy money and a LTA Linear power supply. Relatively new, Tekton Encore (special upgraded version, serial # 5 and 6 and a PASS x-250 running in class A. HEAVEN!!!!!! Rock and Roll is here to stay!!!!!!!!!!
Charles, thank you for the response and kind thought. When we were texting awhile ago ref: to the RS2T unit, I had always appreciated your suggestions and kind thoughts. Your quite knowledgeable on these topics, to that point, I wish I was! From my readings on this site, you have always tried to help and never critical, more people should emulate you. Thank for all your help and suggestions in the past. Robert TN