New prodcution tubes in Jolida JD100, any luck?

Im waiting for a Jolida JD100 to come in, it should be here next week. I've had one before but didnt keep it for too long. Now I think it may be just right to help warm up my system (MF A5 integrated & B&W N804). Have any of you had luck using new production tubes with the JD 100? I have a pair of Groove Tube 12AX7 "mullard clones" that I am looking forward to trying out. What are some new tubes that have great detail without sacrificing the mids?

Showing 1 response by jclyle

I currently have a Musical Fidelity A5 which is nice, but just not warm enough or relaxing enough for my tastes. It is indeed a smooth player, but the highs are still kinda harsh sometimes.