New preamp or other suggestions?

I'm really getting tired of the harsh sound of my system. At this point, I honestly would rather listen to music in my car than in my listening room. I've always chalked it up to a poor room layout (and that's not something that I can change), because this same system sounded UNBELIEVABLE in the dealer's showroom. For what it's worth, I've already treated the room with Echobusters panels, which helped quite a bit, but not enough to make the system sound really enjoyable.

Recently an audiophile friend suggested that a good tube pre might make the system more listenable. The current system is:

Source 1: CAL Icon MKII HDCD w/PowerBoss power supply
Source 2: Music Hall Fidelity CD-25 (stock)
Pre - Bryston BP-20 line stage (balanced to pwr amp)
Power - Bryston 4BST
Speakers - Thiel 3.6
Interconnect (pre to pwr, bal)-AQ Lapis or Nordost Red Dawn
Interconnect (CD to pre) - AQ Lapis, unbalanced
Spkr Cable - AQ Midnite X3

The system on the whole is currently lacking mid-bass (the terrible room strikes again) and has a harsh, in-your-face high end. Of the two sources, the CAL has a MUCH better bottom end, but is lacking detail and air at the top, and has a very "forward" presentation. The CD-25 has a much more detailed (and enjoyable) top and a wider soundstage, but light bass.

I listen mostly to pop, acoustic jazz and contemporary electric jazz.

My friend suggested picking up a used AR or CJ tube pre in place of the Bryston. Another friend suggested replacing the op-amps in the CD-25 with 627's to enhance its bottom end.

I'm a musician and not an audiophle, so I don't know if the advice I've received will fix the problem.... I'm also on a budget, but could swing $1-1.5K on a new/used pre if that would fix my problem.

Do any of you experts (and I mean that sincerely) have any ideas?
You might try replacing the active preamp with a passive from Placette or Bent. It will clean-up your system. I've owned Thiels and they are demanding speaker. They need to be well fed to sound their best.

If you like your speakers, then keep them and ignore those telling you to get rid of them. Based on your experiment, it seems clear it's the speaker/room interaction. New speakers would probably only create new problems. Does your dealer (a helpful-seeming fellow) carry any acoustical or room treatments? If so, ask if he'll work with you. If your dealer carries quality treatments and knows what he's doing, you should be able to solve your problem for well under your budget (think of it as upgrading your room, which after is in an integral part of your system).
I just want to thank all of you for taking the time to post your suggestions....At the very least, you've laid out an incremental path to help me get the most out of my system given the constraints of my room and budget.

I'll post my changes and their effects on the overall sound of the system as I make them.....

Thanks again,
i have had the same probalem in different degrees over the years, thousands spent and the result is bleeding ears. because the poster has stated that his system sounded good at his dealer's, it has to be a room problem, and possibly ac. he states he wants to keep the thiels. my gut level feeling is that a cable switch may be helpful. even though many like the aq wire, i have found it sometimes harsh-sounding; it all depends on the system. i have spent a lot of time auditioning cables. but rather than giving specific recommendations, i suggest contacting the cable co ( and getting some cable to audition. you can keep the thiels, but tame them a bit.
Try some Cardas Golden Reference or Golden Cross ICs and speaker cables. They will tame the highs and flesh out the midbass. Purist Audio Venustas and AZ Matrix II would also be candidates. Stay away from silver! If changing cables doesn't accomplish what you want, I'm afraid either the amp and/or speakers will have to go. I'd try replacing the amp first if you have to. A used Rowland might do the trick.