NEW Pre Amp Processor - Narrowing down the list

I am hoping that the non-response to my earlier request was due to my lame subject title, so I am trying again. I would really like your opinions. I am getting very close to closing a deal on the EAD.
I am looking to upgrade the pre amp processor. Here's what I have them narrowed down to:

Krell HTS
Accuphase CX 260
Classe SSP 75
Anthem AVM 20
EAD Theatremaster 8000

I have a Classe CA300 amp driving Innersound ISIS. I have a multichannel amp driving the center and surrounds. I don't even want to get into what those are, because you guys would start tearing up that part of the chain and I don't have the money to worry about the rest of it yet. I am looking to spend between $3K-$4K.
I am mostly interested in the 2CH sound and not so much all the snazzy features for HT craziness. I love details and mid range - very warm musical sounds. If anyone has "ears-on" experience with any of these three, I would love to hear your opinions.

Thanks in advance,

Showing 1 response by gbm4th

I have the EAD TheaterMaster 8 combined with a PM 1000. The combo provides a warm and musical sound, the PM 1000 was warmer with better midrange and bass than the citation 7.1. The TM 8 provided a richer, warmer sound with a little more detail than my the Denon AVP-8000. The TM 8 does not do AV-switching. If you have a need for that make sure the TM 8000 will meet your needs. With that exception I really enjoy the combination. EAD appears to be moving/changing ownership again.