New Phono Pre-Amp

Looking for any recommmendations for a phono stage to go with my Music Hall 7 turntable, with the Goldring M/C cartridge, a MF A300 int. amp., B&W CDM1NT speakers- with Transparent Music Link Plus I/C's and Speaker cable. Lokking to spend around $500.00 new or used. I listen to rock, jazz, blues, folk, and some classical. Thx. in advance.

Showing 1 response by zaikesman

I spent only slightly more than that on my used Camelot Technology Lancelot, which Fremer rated above the others mentioned FWIW (it sells for about $900-$1K new). It's battery-powered BTW, something which I suspect is a very canny design choice for a phonostage, and permits relatively easy loading- and gain-resistor swaps. It also sounds great, to me. Somewhat unwieldy physically however (2-chassis, though not too large), and it ain't exactly beautiful to behold. Excellent supportive company to deal with concerning any eventualities, and made in USA.