New Pass Labs X.5 series versus previous X series

Pass Labs is in the process of re-dedesigning their entire X series into the new X.5 series. As of this writing X150.5, X250.5 and possibly X350.5 are already shipping. The X600.5 are expected to start shipping early in the new year. This thread is to discuss experiences with the new amps, their sound signature, perceivable improvements over the old series, and of course dissenting opinions. Everyone's perspective is welcome--X and X.5 owners, X.5 window shoppers, Dealers, and all other audiogoners with a passion for affect by the bug of audiophilia.
Hi guys,

I've been confuse about the new .5 upgrade for a very long time and still is...Therefore, I've talked to Pete at Pass...and certainly, the x300.5 is the best in the x series he have ever heard compare to only the x250, x250.5, and the x300!!...however, I've been wanting the x600 mono block for a very long time, and Pete is recommending me to get the x600 over the x300.5 for my speaker(e.g Sony SS-m9ed - e.g that's sony uses for the demo)....What does this really mean?...could the x600 still sounds better than the new x300.5...but the x600.5 will be the very best of the best?...

I've seen the new faceplate of the new x300.5, and thought that the older look looks more mucho and heavey duty looking. Whereas the newer look is more elegant similiar to the new xa series....

Help guys...x600 or x350.5?.....any advise?..I'm lost.
The amp I had before the 350 was a Sonic Frontiers Power 2, That amp had geat depth, but left me wanting for the last word indetail and resolution. The 350 fixed that yearning. However, I don't recall losing anything in depth in the switch. I currently have Tyler Acoustics Woodmeres sitting six feet from the back wall. The Woodmeres throw a huge detailed sound stage. The image I am currently getting resides well behind the speakers against the back wall with lots of layering. I have also had Wilson speakers, the image was also very deep, but much closer to the floor and smaller, but that is a characteristic of the speaker. So now that I have made a short answer long, no I don't feel like depth has ever been an issue.
The 250, which employs smaller caps, is a more current design from Pass than the 350, which employs those big caps. Most other amp mfrer like Classe etc. also uses small cap in their current amp design. Smaller caps dissipate current/energy much more quicker. Sonically IMHO, it is a lot more faster and better pace and usaually more extended. That could very well be the reason that X250 outperforms the X350. Talked to Pass people a few times and have learned they didn't do anything extra to the 350.5 than they did to the 250.5. I really doubt the 350.5 would outperform 250.5. Maybe in situation that requires the extra power. But, it is interesting to see the feedbacks from other 350.5 and 250.5 owners.
Longho68, the X600.5 will not be available until the first part of the new year. You won't be able to audition them until then. I do not know the efficiency of your Sony speakers, you I can't really comment on what kind of amp you may need.
My situation: Bought a X-250 demo 3 months ago for $4200 and had a PS Audio power cable thrown in on the deal. Now, for $1500 and the X-250 I can have the new X-250.5...Thoughts? Is the list price of $6500 a firm price for the X-250.5?