New or Old DAC

I currently have an older Theta front end. Data ll transport & Chroma HDCD. I like it, even though it is old and discontinued. I would like to update my DAC first , I am looking for a Theta Pro Gen va. I know the sound of the older Theta stuff and like it. But, are there any newer DAC's out there in that $1K (used) price range that can really give an equal or better performance than the Pro Gen Va? Do the newer anti jitter (re-clocking) DACS fall into that price range?

thanks, mike

Showing 2 responses by macdadtexas

I can't see any reason why an older model would have a "superior" analog section? I can't imagine that any older DAC could hold a candle to current models.

The improvements in digital processing are an order of magnitude better in new DAC's and I can't see that there has been any regression in analog technology. It is either equal to, or quite probably better, depending on the company.

I would say that if you get a Benchmark, Bel Canto, Cary, Bryston, or similar you will be shocked at the improvement.

Good luck.
Old DAC's are simply not as good as newer ones, even across price ranges, it's that simple. The underlying technology has advanced so much, it's not even close. The signal processing is so much improved through the new chips sets and firmware, that even the best analog output stage couldn't make up the difference.

BTW, who care, just listen to vinyl!!