New or Old CD Player?

Let's say I have $5K, tops, to buy a CD player. I don't need digital inputs, outputs, etc. I don't need to spin SACD's. I only intend to play Redbook CD's and want a one-box solution. Would my money be better spent on a new unit, like maybe a Hegel Mohican? Or should I buy a component that was close to state of the art a decade ago? Like maybe a Simaudio 750D, or an Audio Research Reference CD8? Thoughts?

Showing 19 responses by jafant

Agreed aolprodj

Naim does make very nice cd players. I have often thought about that company not getting into the SACD end of development. I have always wanted to audition the 555 top-of-the-line spinner.

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Thank You guys for the information on Mohican, Primare CD35, Bryston BCD-3 and ARC CD8 spinners. I have not auditioned any of these newer players to date. I have demo'ed the ARC CD5, CD7, CD9 and Primare CD22.  Keep writing about the players as above.

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Thank You for the update- elizabeth

the DVD-A10 is still a cool spinner. Keep us posted once the SA-10 arrives and is massaged into your system.

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2nd note;
Ayre does stock pile the drive/transport(s) for the DX-5 a/v engine.

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the Ayre is tempting, but, those guys did not stock pile the transport/laser assemblies for future replacement?
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I wanted to ask if you  bought the SA-10 review sample or did you opt for a factory new spinner? Thank You.
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Another buyer of the SA-10, from a different forum, referenced Audio Emporium in WI.

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Much Thanks! cakids

how long have you owned your SA-11 mkII ?

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Thank You- elizabeth

you are certainly one of the very few to purchase/own the SA-10.

Keep me posted upon receipt of the player and integration into your system.

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Outstanding! elizabeth

Give a shout-out for the Marantz dealer/retailer where you auditioned the SA-10. This player is on my demo -list as well.

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Excellent points - Guys.

I would like an Esoteric DV-50s or DV-60, if I knew that the drives/transports and other critical parts, were avail for replacement.

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As above, Bryston, should have stock-piled those Philips L1210 CD drives.
Poor judgement from a company that has been around long enough to know better.
Nice choice! imgoodwithtools.

regarding ARC, I have auditioned , the CD5, CD7 and CD9.

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TEAC/Esoteric can be hit-and-miss as well. There are rumors that the older spinners SA/DV series, no longer, have critical parts/drives?
Esoteric is not known fro their customer service either? At that level and price they should be in my opinion.

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Thanks! for sharing. Odd decision about the Bryston BCD-1? Good to read that they are back on track w/ the BCD-3 regarding transports/parts avail for repair/replacement.  Recently, I saw the Primare CD35. The previous CD32 used a Sanyo disc drive/transport that is readily avail. I wonder why those guys switched again?
Happy Listening!


Thanks! for the Hegel brief. This one is on my list to demo.

Happy Listening!