New or Old

Go easy on me, first post, returning older guy.

I imagine the topic has been done to death, but I cannot find this particular example.

Looking to get some speakers to go with my recently purchased Naim 152xs/155xs. Sources will be CD, streamer and a Linn LP12.

I see JBL Studio 590s on sale, so that would be the new option.
Also, locally to me, there is a pair of KEF 107s with Kube. Cost would be not much more than the JBLs. The four woofers have been re-foamed by the owner, who appears to be flipping them after only 6 months of ownership. The tweeters and electronics are untouched.

The JBLs I can send back if the home audition fails, but the KEFs I would be stuck with. 

Is new tech going to compare with old reference speakers, or will aging speakers and crossover and Kube just not sound as good as they should?

Has any one compared speakers that are 35 years apart?
I look forward to your assistance.

Showing 1 response by mozartfan

SEAS new high tech drivers are  tried and proven.
, Old is old, dated, My Thors are cerca 2002 and still command top performers. 
I thought my Philips 2 ways from 1981 were top top dawgs,,til I got the Thors next to them, and like WOW,,, then i heard just how shoddy the Philips were. 
However I bet those Philips with high Mundorf caps, would perform alot better than the original stock caps,, So to answer, look to new high tech speakers for true fidelity.