New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

atdavid & glupson ...

How about starting your own thread? This one is about the Omega + Mats. Thanks ...

To all of my fellow Mat'ers, Gater's Paster's ...

Have a very Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow. 

Krissy ... We will be thinking of you. Stay strong.

I just want to clarify one thing. Earlier in this thread, I stated that the new Omega + mats didn't seem to have the magnetic properties of the original Omega Mats. I was basing that opinion on the difficulty I had with them sticking to the circuit breaker switches. Just to test them further, I took one out of the circuit breaker box and placed it in a vertical position on the outside of my refrigerator door. Be advised, they are just as magnetic as the original mats. Evidently, I didn't have them up against anything metal in the circuit breaker box. I stand corrected.

As s side note, in one of the conversations I had with Tim, he told me that the magnetic properties have absolutely nothing to do with the performance of the mats.

analogluvr ... 

  • "Frank, Oregonpapa have you tried many tweaks that you weren’t happy with? Or felt just didn’t make a difference?
  • sincere question."   

Sure. Over the years I've tried many tweaks. Some worked and some didn't. Some that didn't: Various contact enhancers. Mu Metal. Various CD dampeners. A whole slew of cables that degraded the sound. Tube rolling that degraded the sound. Too many to list, really.

jerrybj ...

  • "How have you attached your new mat to the circuit breaker?"  

I just put it back up against the breakers and closed the door just like I did before. 


Have a great Thanksgiving guys.

And talking about "sweet talk," my friend Robert came over last night with some rare vinyl gems. Included was a 1950 mono recording of Chet Atkins. Chet’s guitar, using the new Omega + E-mats in the system, was "sweet talk" indeed. Then, we put on a CD of Arthur Lyman’s exotica music. Good grief! We were transported into the jungle surrounded by the most realistic drumming I’ve heard on the system yet. Then, a live recording of the Modern Jazz Quartet with Sonny Rollins on tenor sax. Realism galore kept flowing out of the system recording after recording, and we kept wondering ... how much better can this get? I want more mats. :-)

Okay ... its time to get this thread back on topic.

My friend Robert just left. He came over to have me burn a couple of CDs for a friend of his. One was a two-disc set of Neil Diamond's "Hot August Night." 

Robert has a real penchant for finding really great recordings, and this set of Neil Diamond's was exceptional. I have the Mobile Fidelity two-album set of this music on vinyl and it doesn't hold a candle to the two CDs I just burned for Robert. 

These new Omega+E-Mats have breathed new life into recordings that I haven't listened to for years. The "Hot August Night" album is no exception.

Amazing, really.

Happy Thanksgiving to all ...


csmgolf ...

The following is from the Website regarding the Omega + E-Mat:

  • "Revolutionary technology to the extreme!
  • Those who have tried the original emat know the strength of a single side.
  • SUPER powerful.
  • Now we are pleased to offer a double-sided mat!
  • Double the power!
  • Even more of our patented “perfect path effect”!
  • Clarity, depth and warmth TIMES 2!
  • Same 90-day warranty"


And by the way, where it says that the "Plus" mat is double the power, there are those of us who are convinced at this point that it is more powerful than that. Indeed, it brings more in the way of realism for sure. Not that the original mat is any slouch, but if you want a real jolt (no pun intended), get two of the Plus mats and put them in your circuit breaker box.  

Check this out:

Glubson ...

One of my favorite quotes came from Tesla ...

“I don’t care that they stole my idea... I care that they don’t have any of their own” ― Nikola Tesla

But more appropriate to you would be this one ...

“If your hate could be turned into electricity, it would light up the whole world.”
Nikola Tesla


glupson sez ...

  • Who was the poster talking about posting questions on this thread being a crime? Oh, oregonpapa. Nevermind.

I believe I was referring to the criminal mindset of those who would, for whatever reason, attempt to burn legitimate businesses down.

Again, glupson ... what is your intent here? Spit it out, junior.


Audiogon Official ...

^^^ Thank you, Mod.

Please move forthwith in removing any posts in this thread that are not relevant to the Omega E Mats. Especially anything that hints of being demeaning to another member.

Thanks ...

atdavid ... 

  • "With regards to the Omega Mat specifically, I and glupson have actually tried to have a discussion on what they do, which is key to using them to their full potential."

We've said many times in this thread and in others "what they do." How you keep missing the point is beyond me. 

Again, order a couple of Omega + E-mats, place them in your circuit breaker box and experience "what they do" for yourself. I believe you would be stunned.

csmgolf ...

It is a no questions asked, full refund if you’re not satisfied with the product.

All you have to pay for is the return shipping. This applies to all PPT products except the "Total Contact" contact enhancer paste.

And by the way, it is my understanding in speaking with Krissy, that to date, nothing has been returned so far.

If it were me, I'd start with two "Omega + E-Mats" placed into the circuit breaker box, and enough of the "Stop-Its" to cover all unused electrical outlets in your house. This will give you a real taste of what these products do, and give you the confidence to proceed. Then get the Total Contact (which doesn't have the 90-day return policy attached to it) and paste away.

In my opinion, the Crown Jewel in the line is "The Gate," but granted, it is expensive. It seems that as you move through the line, each item builds on the rest ... and the final result is truly amazing. As you know, plenty of satisfied customers have reported the results I'm alluding to here on A'gon.

Take care ...

glupson ....

Good grief, man! Even putting all of the PPT products into one’s system wouldn’t make that trash sound like music.

If that’s your idea of "music," then a lot of questions have been answered.


Geeze, Louise.

Carp & Uber ...

You guys need to talk with David Prichard. He’s tricked his car out with both SR and PPT products. He has the SR HFT’s glued to his windshield and headliner. I asked him what it was like, and he said ..."Imagine driving straight into a Steinway piano." *lol*

By the way, David’s mother just celebrated her 96th birthday ... and she’s still enjoying her high-end system that David set up and maintains for her.


glupson ...

  • "I do take other's ideas and often evaluate them."

That may be true, Glupson ... but you certainly can't take a  hint. 

And then, there's this guy standing right between the speakers in the listening room. Spectacular.

thecarpathian ...

Where did you place them? I’ve been looking for places to put them, but the nooks and crannies in my car are far and few between. In other words, almost nonexistent.

Open to ideas. Thanks ...

atdavid ...

Instead of arguing semantics,  why not order two Omega "Plus" mats for yourself and try them out. Or, read your PMs and get back to me. <Sheesh!>

Do you have an audio system? No offense, but I'm starting to wonder. 

  • "Didn't you say your brother was in law enforcement? I guess, on average you are just like any other family. Every family has a black sheep."

Oh no, Glupson ... you don't want to go there with me. That is not funny. 

Now then, did you like the technicolor film I posted for your enjoyment? 



Steve ...

So far, each mat has improved the sound no matter where it's placed. Love to hear your system in the new room and with the new DAC. Robert tells me that he's very impressed with your setup. Try to take the time to come over for a listen. I think you'll be impressed by what the Siggie III's are doing now.

glupson ...

Now I know where I’ve seen you before.

You were that little nerdy guy in my high school that used to take up the post right inside the campus gate with the banner/sash across your tiny chest that read "Hall Monitor," whose job it was to report on any pimpled-faced miscreant who thought he was smart enough to get by you to sneak off campus for lunch without a pass, right?

I knew it! I’m tellin’ you ... I just knew it!

Yeppers, your choice of music should have been a strong clue, because that guy, totally into Mickey Rooney, knowing that we were really into Elizabeth Taylor, used to try to lure us over to his house when his parents weren’t home to watch his 35mm film copy of National Velvet.

I’m still full of it. Turkey and dressing, that is.


PS: Technicolor is like listening to a great old tube amp with your eyes. :-)
uberwaltz ...

As a kid raised on Blues, Rhythm and Blues, and jazz, played by Black artists who were blackballed from playing in most venues, I really resented the so-called "British Invasion." Same with Elvis when he first came on the scene. Here I was, being inundated with music originated by the Black artists that I admired so much, who could not make a decent living playing it, being copied by these White interlopers who were making a fortune off of the Black man’s dime. They replaced the saxophone with the guitar, swiveling hips and nerdy haircuts. Of course, at a much later date, I realized that they were great in their own right.

As a kid, at night, I used to listen to my small tube radio under my covers, to a Central Los Angeles DJ named "Huggie Boy." He played the best R&B. His studio was in a record store on the corner of Central and Vernon Avenues. I’ll never forget his sponsor ... It was Mister Jim’s BBQ. Mister Jim would come on the air and talk about how tender his beef was. He would end every time by saying ... "You needs no teef to eat ma beef." It used to just crack me up. Still does, as a matter of fact.

Those were the days.

Off-topic, I know, but this is good.

A little Saturday afternoon side excursion through the Vox guitar amplifier and Rock & Roll history, brought to you by my friend Robert. Hope you all enjoy it:


viber6 ...

Forward and bright? Rounded and warm? Not in my experience at all. I’ve described the effect as more realism. A lot more realism.

  • " ... because of my enjoyment of music heard close up and the sharp sounds of nature like crickets, the crack of a golf club or baseball bat or buzzsaws ..."

This is exactly what I’m talking about, viber. I enjoy listening to Exotica music like Les Baxter, Martin Denny and Arthur Lyman. These recordings contain a lot of percussion like conga drums, bongos, bass drums, vibes, and lots of various jungle sounds. The presence afforded these sounds by the Omega + Emat is truly astounding.

Based upon your description of what you like, you would be totally happy with what these Mats do. Combine them with the PPT "Stop-Its" throughout the house and the effect is even better.

Here’s some examples:

Take care ...

spenav ...

That's correct ...

I pasted the connections of all terminals in three separate systems, mine and two friends, with one tube of TC. It just takes a thin coat. Use a strong flashlight to be sure that all metal surfaces are covered completely.

A friend who is familiar with the system is coming over in about an hour for a listening session. It will be his first time since installing the Omega + E-Mats. We'll see ... 

Six-hour listening session. The system sounded really good and a lot of good music was played.  No listening fatigue what-so-ever.

jerrybj ...

  • "The upgrade bug is a hard path to hop off."  

Very true ...

What I've discovered is that we really don't know how good the equipment is that we already have until it is fed clean power. 

aniwolfe ...

Very nice.

Every time I think the system can't get any better, something new comes along. I hope the new Omega + mats are as effective for you as what I'm getting out of them. Looking forward to your review.

One of the best parts of installing the PPT products is that I no longer have any desire to upgrade equipment.

I'm done with the merry-go-round.

Take care ...

In an earlier post, I had said that as soon as I thought that nothing else could be wrung from the system, something new comes along. This applies to new ideas for what existed before as well.

During Sunday’s listening session, I happened to mention to my friend "Mas" that I had two more Omega "Plus" Mats coming on Monday. "Mas" suggested that I try taping the mats to the rear of the speakers, right in line with the mid-range drivers. The mats arrived in Monday’s mail as expected, and I proceeded with the taping.

To say that it was an improvement would be a gross understatement. This new placement of the mats was revolutionary. This is something that must be tried. I listened for most of the evening last night, and most of the morning today. As good as things were before in the area of realism, this has it in spades.

How much better is this magic music machine that resides in my listening room going to get? Stay tuned ... I’m going to get two more Omega + Mats to put in line with the bass drivers. We’ll see where that takes things.

Highly recommended.


PS: A little jamming Koto music for your listening pleasure:
My friend Robert came over last night and I threw on some Santana and cranked the volume to "loud." OMG! 

^^^ Labels are facing away from the speakers. And, I have to say, tonight's listening session was even better than this morning.  It takes time for these mats to penetrate into our electronics, and it is the same for the speakers.  Applying the new Omega + E-Mats to the speaker cabinets was a great idea. Many thanks to my friend "Mas." 

I'm just a little over two days into placing the Omega + E-Mats on the speakers in line with the mid-range drivers. I didn't think it possible, but the clarity was even better this morning. These mats are staying in place. They will not be removed. I don't understand how these mats work, but truly, I've never heard clarity like this before. 

At this point, it seems to me that attaching the mats to the speakers are at least as important as placing them into the circuit breaker box. 

This guy was in the listening room this morning ...

Stay tuned.  Next up ... two more Omega + E-mats attached to the rear of the speakers right in line with the bass drivers.

labpro ...

Thanks for the questions. 

1.  I placed my power conditioner on top of two Omega + E-Mats. The mats are approximately in the middle of the conditioner. 

2.  The Omega + Mats are placed on the back-side of the speakers, right in line with the mid-range drivers. I'm not familiar with your speakers, so I cannot speak for them. 

3.  I also use after-market feet under my CD player. Just put the mat under the player sitting on the rack. The mats will penetrate the player, no problem.

4.  Like you, I also have an all-tube system. Mats go underneath the equipment with no problems. 

Hope this helps ...

aniwolfe ...

Sorry, I don’t know what to tell you about the mat placement on your speakers. However, with that said, I would paste the speaker baskets with Total Contact. Maybe others with speakers similar to yours can chime in here.

The Omega + Mats on the speaker cabinets is producing some truly glorious music.

jerrybj ...

How did your listening session turn out? 

Two more Omega + E-Mats were placed on the rear of the speakers in line with the bass drivers, with the results of more clarity overall. The three-dimensional aspect of the system is getting spooky at this point.  I think I may have to give up the single malt during listening sessions. 

yoby ...

Hi ... 

I just used a small amount of packing tape ... the type that you'd use to seal packages for the mail. It attaches well and is removed easily, and doesn't leave any marks when removed. So far, none has come loose. I had to remove a couple of the mats and reattach them to make room for the additional two mats. 

jafreeman ...

  • The sound is so big, I'm almost afraid to turn the thing on today..
I know what you mean. It is getting down-right spooky around here. 

I had a new air conditioner unit installed today (just in time for Christmas), and the installers had to get into the circuit breaker box. I had to remove all of the mats that were in there, but thankfully, The Gate didn't have to come out. I'll be interested to see if there were any negative effects to the SQ due to the mats being out for six hours or so.

ozzy ...

When I had a pacemaker installed about a year ago, almarg cautioned me about handling the mats with their magnetic properties. So, I took one of the mats into the cardiologist and showed it to him. He said, "no problem, you could hold this mat right up against the pacemaker and it won’t be affected."

I asked him about the magnets in speaker drivers too. Again, he said "no problem." His take was that in order for there to be a problem, the magnet would have to be many times the power of what the mats have.

On a hard drive? I have 20 Alpha E-cards magnetically attached to the outside of my PC that is also used as the basis of my bedroom music system. The picture on the monitor and the sound quality is awesome.

Nary a problem as of yet.

Two more Omega + E-mats went onto the speakers a few days ago. This time in line with the bass drivers. That brings the total to four mats per speaker.

I didn’t turn the system on for two days previous to last night. I have to say, now that the new mats have had time to settle in, the realism has increased even more.

I’ve come to the conclusion, as have one of my audiophile friends, who is also into the "Plus" mats, that the "Plus" mats do something more to the presentation than the original mats did. Oh, there’s more clarity and less distortion all right, but there’s more. What that "more" is, is a much better tonal balance. The tone quality of instruments is far more real. Hard to describe, other than that.

I recommend that anyone interested in these Omega + mats give them a try on their speakers and see what happens.

mitchagain ...

Great post. I'm curious about your Lexus. I have one too, also with the Mark Levinson sound system. Everything is so tightly constructed in the Lexus ... where did you find room to put anything? Where did you place the cards and mats? Thanks ...

Thanks, Mitch ...

I see I have some work cut out for me. I have the LS 430. I think I have room for some Alpha Cards. And I just checked, I can fit some Omega E-mats under the floor mats. :-) 

I'll let you know how it works out.

At this point, I’m up to five Omega + E Mats on each speaker ... all in line with the drivers. With each placement, there has been an improvement. Last night’s listening session was just down-right NUTS!

Here’s one of the best, if not the best jazz Christmas albums on the planet. Demo sound and great music to boot. This is a great disc to knock your guest’s socks off no matter the season or time of year. Played it last night and Ramsey Lewis’ trio was wall to wall, front to back, and right there in the room with us:

Get the mats onto the speakers, guys. You’ll be amazed.

Happy listening ...

Glupson ...

So, is your definition of a person with an "open mind" someone who agrees with your premises? 

I'm curious ... you seem to know a ton about speakers. What speakers do you use in your system?

glupson ...

So, you're a blue-tooth and I-Phone guy? 

How about posting pics of your system? I’d like to see your set-up. Always open to new ideas.


geoffkait ...

Actually, Geoff, you can consider me to be the brilliant university economics professor and Glubson to be the first-year student who, not knowing what he doesn’t know, continues to challenge the professor’s positions.

Paraphrasing an old adage ... "You CAN teach a new pup a few tricks." The problem arises when the "new pup" doesn’t have an open mind. I do, however, see a few cracks starting to appear. :-)
