New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


Showing 44 responses by uberwaltz

Jeez Gluppy .
If I had any records that were as broken as you are even PPT could not fix them!
Saying the Gate is a tweak is akin to saying a Porsche is just an overgrown VW Beetle.......

Honestly I would place inside the door of the breaker box.
That's where I have one and many others here do as well.
"I really do not care how this mat works, and if it works at all."

So why do you continue to post?

I am glad I am not the only one....
So original and witty.
Does GK write your scripts for you now Glupson?

Hey it's all good, but I am done wasting my time with you.
You have said many times you have no interest in the mats and if they work so it really is pointless arguing with you.
Have a great day.....
I tried once to nudge it back on topic but I guess some folks are pretty thick skinned.
Just got those who wish to carry on discussing The Gate......
>>>>I’m not sure thick skinned is the best choice of words. Here are some words that might fit in better.
I was actually trying to be polite GK, Lol.

3. Block RF from entering unused RCA jacks on the back of components.
PPT do also have that covered...…..
uber, are you being thick skinned?
What do you expect from just one cup of coffee...…..
Absolutely peachy Frank, thank you for asking!
Second cup of coffee down, now firing on 7 cylinders, one more cuppa and should be all set!

I have found that female vocals and acoustic guitar have really stood out as huge improvements over the old mats which on their own were a large success but these babies?

You could be correct Frank when you say they seem to have MORE than double the effect.

PS, don't mention the orange juice...….. 
Just glad I'm not the only one who actually likes Spyro Gyra!
I was somewhat put down when I said I preferred them to Return to Forever and Weather Report .... Lol.

I have to say Morning Dance is one of my test albums.
I sat up way later than I intended to last night just listening and listening, I was hooked by the music completely.
Quite a mixture, Spyro Gyra, Chuck Mangione, Rush, Men At Work.
All have their strengths but all sounded divine.

Glupson cannot take a hint people so don't waste your time responding to him, hopefully he will just go away sooner or later. Its a free forum so not much we can do otherwise.

I have yet to see one useful positive contributing post by him, but hey I do not read EVERY single post so maybe I blinked and missed one.
A lot of arguementative and condescending posts yes but constructive? Not that I have seen, but I am willing to be illuminated on that score.
I do not care personally if posts are positive or negative.
If they have some meaning and are at least relevant and productive to the topic at hand in the thread.
As I already stated, it's a free forum.
And now wait for Gluppy to come back and say he was never talking about the mats but the sales pitch on display....

Now you really are being dense for the sake of an argument Glupson.
That is NOT what that quote you made means at all and you know it!
there is a huge difference between the meaning of what these mats DO, and how these mats work.

Really Glupson, you truly are clutching at straws now and just digging an even bigger hole for yourself here.
I can rent you a JCB if you need to go wider and deeper, very fair rates by the hour...….
Actually Atdavid, it might not be quite accurate to say nobody knows how the mats work.
It would be accurate to say though that they would NEVER reveal the design to you or Gluppy.
That's it!
It's Killer Klowns From Outer Space.
All enacted out for our edification right here.
But it is quite accurate to say that one in the hands of someone with some basic RF knowledge and tools could figure out pretty accurately what it is
Well there is your answer then.
Not that I think Krissy would sell you one now but you can ask nicely.
Then you can give your verdict to your adoring audience.
Well Gluppy anyways......
What a snoozefest this has turned into, I will need more than 3 cups of coffee to get me over this farce today.

I think a humble scribe here described it very accurately

"It’s like quicksand, the more you struggle the worse it gets."
How about starting your own thread? This one is about the Omega + Mats. Thanks ...
Pretty sure this has now devolved into "who has the biggest d#$k"
To reinforce Frank’s post.

This thread is for discussion of the Omega Plus mats.

NOT The Gate.
NOT mu metals.
NOT EMI/RFI shield or absorbing sheets.
NOT brow beating and chest thumping.
NOT empty convuluted posts containing no substance or relevance to Omega Plus mats at all.

Yes this is a free forum but can we please get back on topic.

Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family as well Frank.

And to all of my fellow posters here in magic pixie dust land.

I feel this thread has run its course as some folks you just cannot reach.

Happy 🦃
You really are getting dafter by the post.

NOBODY is stopping ANYBODY from asking how it works at all.
Just you seem to expect an answer and when it’s not forthcoming then it goes pear shaped.
For the last time....


And I respect that and instead of whining like a little baby about it I just sit down and let the music do the talking.

So why on Earth would you keep repeating the same old garbage??

I understand you cannot comprehend members praise for their products .

Now.... Why are you still posting the same old bilge?

I really do not know the answer but you are wearing out the welcome wagon rapidly.
Dear Santa (Tammy)
I wish for Audiogon to create a channel just for some of the very special people here. How about calling it "Audio Bickering"?
Post of the thread without a doubt!
I am going to be blunt as a brick now and if it lasts as long as last post oh well I tried.

I have absolutely zero interest in entering into any discourse with members Glupson and Atdavid.

Both have proven to be extremely obtuse and incapable of logical postings.

Now have a great Thanksgiving gentlemen but I will tarry here no longer.
Glad you stated that Frank as I did wonder if you had a slightly defective one.
Mine stuck darn hard to the inner breaker box door at least as strong as the original.
And I believe the extra eCards I now have sitting on interconnect and speaker cables are starting to work their mojo.
Oops, sorry should stick to the plus mats only for discussion, slap my wrists.
BTW Jafreeman
My last post was not meant as any dig over your OP.
Just stating my opinion that it did not read like an advertisement to myself.
Despite claims to the contrary made numerous times by certain posters here.
That's all.

Happy Thanksgiving to all and family.
And I do mean all, life's too short to waste on Ill will to fellow man.

Turkey time!
To the OP
With respect to all I have read and re-read your initial OP and I have a hard time labeling it as " an advertisement".
I do not see any verbiage that appertains to any pricing or deals or purchase outlets.
What I see is a description of it’s physical appearance and a best guess as to how it works.
And then a report of how it is affecting your system and your listening pleasure.
If that is an advertisement it’s a pretty poor one IMHO.

I would say it is very similar to a lot of other threads where someone discovers a tweak or a piece of equipment they are impressed with and then posts it as a topic for all to see .

But what do I know.......

All those Coca-Cola ads on TV, and wherever else, have not been advertisements at all.

By that rationale then every thread here where enthusiasm is shown for a new product whether it be equipment or a tweak is an advertisement.

Who would have thought it......
Atdavid does not want to know "what" they do no matter what he says.
He really means I want to know "how" they do it.
Can't be anything else as the "what"they do has been repeated more times than sense.( Of which I see very little on display).
I added some eCards to my speaker cable and IC where they exit and enter my amp on Krissy suggestions.
I believe you also have some cards in similar locations?
My late night listening session last night showed a perceived increase in low end bass of all things. I had to turn the sub down to compensate.
Nothing else had been changed.
Most interesting.
Sound good, mo better .... is not telling us how they work. I have heard some interesting "theories" that probably even VI gets a laugh from, but actual discussions about workings ... nope.
He took the words off my keyboard!

So glad to see my theorem was accurate.
Good one!
The Sex Pistols were never anything more than a publicity stunt of a group.
And notoriety was all they apparently craved at the time.
Heck no!

Old English music biz joke.

You can't sing.
You can't dance
You look terrible.

You will go far!
That’s most interesting to say the least.
I know you have a lot of great results with PPT products in the past so this sounds odd.

I know some would say three days is not enough time to wait but I think you would have started to hear something change buy then.

Very unusual for it to just be one dac that it effects this way.
But this thread is all about the mats and the results.
Was this a new plus mat or a regular mat?
Beware of mat infestation. They seem to multiply by budding.

Thankfully, they can do no wrong.

Are you guys reading your own posts or am I the only one?
I am pretty sure that we are Gluppy but the more important question to my mind is...... Why are you?
Been listening to a lot of your CDs , thanks so much, and really digging what I hear.
Guess my old c.e.c player has something left to

Right now listening to the inner ear collection CD and the bass is literally thumping me in the chest... All in a good way of course.
Piano is to die for!

Probably need to get some more plus mats though and dial it up to 11.
Last night must have been Abraxas night!
I was cranking it out on R2R as well.
Crazy world!
I may be totally wrong here but I was pretty sure it has been stated to NEVER cut up a mat for any reason, certainly not to make fit.
Hopefully Mrs.PPT can chime in and confirm.
That is sad news indeed and bitterly cruel and callous.
I cannot imagine what Krissy is going through now.
Talk about being kicked in the gut while down.
That is SO wrong on EVERY level!

I ready Gloopys post and decided to just treat it with the disdain it deserved.
Unfortunately we are all guilty of empowering him by replying to his barbs.

Now he does post occasionally in the music posts and a little more cordial and brings something to them so there is hope......
None of my business and I am sure there are aspects that Krissy does not wish to make public but there are some disturbing and concerning items here in this whole situation.

Why are the parents even acting in this manner?
I can tell you now if my mother did something similar if I was in a similar situation to Tim, I would return from the grave and haunt her to her own grave! She wouldent I know and that is very confusing here, such compassion on display!

Why did Tim not make provisions for this and ensure Krissy was protected? Once he knew of his illness why did he not complete a will making all of this cast in stone so no future problems upon his passing?

As I said there MUST be a lot of background stuff going one that we are not privy too.