New Omega E Mat from Perfect Path Technologies

Many of you own or have read of the highly-regarded PPT Omega E Mat, one of Tim Mrock’s revolutionary signal-enhancing accessories. Just prior to his untimely passing, Tim had finished developing a new generation of his Omega mat, soon to be available. Krissy Mrock has asked a few of us to introduce this new mat, here given the working title of The Double Omega.

In distinguishing the Double Omega, we know the original Omega, herein called the single, as a 7.5” by 10”, rather heavy and somewhat pliable mat, a bit more than 1/8” thick and with a vinyl-like feel. One face is glossy white, displaying the PPT logo and Omega name, while the other is black, smooth and magnetized. Sandwiched between these faces is the active material that causes components to reject the EMI that saturates everything in our surroundings. The Double Omega is much the same, with one important difference: the magnetized face has the finely-textured feel of around, say, 220-grit sandpaper. This texture, it is presumed, comprises yet a second active layer of EMI rejection. Presumed—because working details of the Double Omega are not well understood—better yet to know how to apply it.

With the understanding that the single Omega E mats generate field effects from both faces, mats have typically been placed under and over components and vertically over circuit breakers. How you apply the Double Omega will depend on best use and experimentation. In my case, I have removed two single mats, lying side-by-side, from the top of my large Wadia CDP and have replaced those with two Double Omegas. The Wadia is a one-box player that contains a pre-amp, so I wanted that second, strong field effect exerting downward as well as upward. I also have several singles placed underneath, just as before. Going straight to amps, this player is my only source, so I want it fully protected from EMI. Your priorities will differ.

As of this writing, I am only thirty-hours in on placing these Double Omegas, and I can already tell you they are powerful in their prevention of EMI within my digital source. Yet another veil has been lifted—all instruments and voices are even more sorted out in the aural space with new information heard within that space. There is much more decay heard against a new silence behind and between the musicians. I am already so pleased and excited about what the Double Omega E mats are doing. As Krissy told me, Tim was really stoked to have these new mats available. Rather than wait for the the fourteen-day window of improvement, I want to get this intro out so others can relay their experiences sooner.


Showing 50 responses by oregonpapa

glupson ...

  • "Those are facts."
Nope. The "facts" are that these new mats are the Bee’s Knees ... especially when combined with other PPT products as "gcdrum" has done in his system.

Why not try something that would be a good entry into the PPT realm that would be relatively inexpensive? Order enough Stop-Its to use in every unused electrical outlet in your house. Besides the Total Contact paste, that would be an excellent place to start.

90-day return policy on the Stop-Its as well. No risk and a simple installation.


PS: This is not an advertisement
It is quite unbelievable to me that folks can raise so much ruckus about products that they have never tried, nor have any intention to try. For the life of me, I can’t imagine why they get their panties in such a tight knot.

Krissy has told me that even with the 90-day return policy, there has not been one item returned. She also keeps an eye on resale activity on the Net, and so far, there hasn’t been one item up for sale on the used market. That has some sway, does it not?


PS: This is not an advertisement. 
Guyz ...

Personally, I believe that the new Omega + mats are more effective than two of the mats that came before them. No, I haven't measured anything other than going by my ears ... but I know what I'm hearing. I don't believe that doubling up on the original mats will get you what one of the new mats will. 

There occurs a richness in tone that wasn't afforded by the original mats. This should not be taken as a coloration at all. It is just that for some reason, more of the beauty of the instruments and voices are allowed to surface, making the music more involving ... a lot more like one would hear live.

I know another A'goner who is familiar with my system. He has just installed the Omega + mats into his system, and he concurs with what I'm saying here. 
Glupson ...

I don't think you're a bad person. I just don't understand why you are so skeptical, especially with all of the positive reports in these threads concerning these products. I suspect that you are leary about most things in general and that you question almost everything and everyone ... until you trust them.

 My brother is exactly like that. He absolutely hates to be taken advantage of, and he lets it be known too. He's retired now after a long career in law enforcement. He was a good cop, with the personality to match.

Please don't take this as a negative affront, because it is not meant that way at all. You are you, and I am me ... and the twain shall meet. Just different personalities.

That's it in a nutshell. 


glupson ...

  • "In general, when it comes to reading about tweaks, I find it unexpected that all the tweaks seem to be for the better. I do not know if I have ever read a negative tweak story. "

I other threads I've talked about the benefits of the Herbie's products. I'm using their tube dampeners throughout the system. I'm also using Herbie's feet under my CD player. These items improved the sound significantly. I also tried Herbie's Black Hole CD dampener and heard no improvement what-so-ever. I reported that as well.

One A'gon member asked me via PM if I wanted to sell the Herbie's Black Hole CD mat, and I just mailed it to him free of charge. Subsequently, he told me that it did have a positive effect using it in his CD player. Rather than bashing the product as ineffective, I remained neutral, thinking that it was perhaps system dependent. Turns out, that was the case. 

I call 'em as I see 'em ... nothing more, and nothing less. 

As for the patent numbers, this question has been raised before. If memory serves me correctly, I think there were two patents. For the numbers, you might talk to Krissy personally when you order your two new Omega+ E-mats. :-)

glupson ...

Sorry, I don’t have the answers to your questions. I’m not privy to any information re: patents, formulas, processing ... nada. Tim was tight-lipped and held things very close to his chest when it came to that kind of information.

Over the years, I’ve tried numerous tweaks that actually degraded the sound. Shrink-wrap on the tonearm. Two layers were good. Any more than that and the sound became dulled. Mu Metal ... too much and the sound dulls. Various contact enhancers that sounded great in the beginning, then degraded over time and had to be removed. Expensive CD enhancements that rolled off the highs and had to be abandoned. Tube rolling that was unsuccessful. Various footers, some good and some bad.

With over 40 years in the hobby, I’ve tweaked a lot, and some were successful and others not.

What can I say more about the PPT products and the SR products that I’ve reported on, and recommended here, other than give me a little trust?

The best thing to do is to read the other member’s posts and see what they’ve found using products that I’ve recommended. They can’t all be charlatans, right?

Take care ...

I feel the same way, jafreeman. Tim, Krissy and I became friends over time. I want these products to succeed too, for Krissy's sake, of course, but also for the advancement of the hobby ... and for the enjoyment that other hobbyists will get out of them. This really is a giant leap forward and it deserves success.

david_ten ... 

I was more familiar with the system he had built for the Capital Audio Fest that he had to cancel. I'll ask Krissy and get back to you.

viber6 ...

Thanks for the question regarding contact enhancers.

My experiments with contact enhancers began over 15 years ago. If I remember correctly, the degradation of these products took place over a period of months. While some were very effective initially, they all eventually began to dull the sound, mainly in the high frequencies.

Enter Tim and his "Total Contact" contact enhancer. Tim contacted me via PM around three years ago and asked me if I would like to beta-test the product. I told him not a chance because of my previous experiences. Over about a three-week period of trying to convince me, he finally did.

On the PPT "Total Contact" ... I have had some contacts treated for around three years now with no degradation. When I talked to Tim about this, he said that he did some custom work on circuit breaker panels for customers over ten years ago, and still no degradation.

To further discuss your questions; the Total Contact dries to a hard plastic-like material. That is the "curing" process that I alluded to in many posts. This is why one has to have patience with it.

In some applications, it will degrade the sound initially. When I did the inside of my power conditioner, for example, I used an entire tube of TC to get the job done, and laid it on thick. It sounded like crapola for at least a week and a half. Bass became muddy, and the mid-bass was almost non-existent. The system was boring to listen to. Tim kept ensuring me that everything would come back better than ever. Sure enough, it did, and I was more than delighted with the results.

During the curing process after pasting the "normal" connections, like spade lugs, IC and PC’s, there wasn’t a degradation, but an improvement. After pasting the "normal" connections, Tim told me that I would hear a big jump in SQ at four weeks and then another BIG one at eight weeks. Sure enough, right on schedule, there it was. It was the curing process taking effect. The improvements in SQ at both of those time periods were quite dramatic.

You shouldn’t be concerned about removing the TC. A cotton swab and rubbing alcohol will remove it rather easily.

Hope this answers your questions.

david_ten ...

Here’s Tim’s main system ...

Speakers - Newform Research 645’s.

Sub Woofers - Gallo.

CD Player - Consonance - with the stand.

Amps - Unico DM Italian amps.

No pre-amp.

Power supply - Huge unit made in the 1950s that Tim modified.

Cables - All custom built by Tim using the same technology that is in The Gate.

All electronics and the complete interior of the speakers, including crossovers and driver baskets, are completely treated with Total Contact ... plus a Gate in the circuit breaker box and mats galore everywhere. I think Krissy told me that Tim had eighty (80) mats throughout the system.

I can attest to the quality of Tim’s cables. He sent me two power cords that he had built for the show to try out. I had them for three weeks. They were fantastic and much like adding another Gate to the system. I went through a total withdrawal when I returned them. I can only imagine what an entire loop would sound like.

Then there was the second system that he built for the show. For the life of me, I cannot remember the brand of the speakers, but they can be bought at Best Buy for $1000. Tim bought his used at an auction for $165 for the pair. The amp was the new Mac integrated, New Mac CD player and that power supply that Tim had built for the main system. Then with all of the above wires, and the speakers totally tricked out like above too. The idea was to get really great sound from those speakers that almost anyone can afford, and have the system blow everyone’s mind. He even made special room treatments that he told me were absolutely fantastic.

The guy was a genius.

theaudiotweak ...

Nice post.

I had second thoughts on posting Tim’s suggestions to improve my speakers, but now that you’ve brought it up, here it is:

Tim called and asked me if I had a felt-like material around the outside of the drivers on my speakers. I said that I did. Tim suggested that I paste the felt material with Total Contact. I thought ... riiiight. Well, I did and the improvement was immediate.

Then he called back and said that he had done some research on my speakers and suggested that I VERY carefully apply a thin coat of Total Contact to the screens covering the Dual Air Motion Tweeters. I did, then sat back and was shocked at how much better the highs became.

After that, I took the access cover off of the crossovers and pasted everything I found there. Zowie, another improvement.

There’s a lot more to Total Contact than just coating the ends of a cable loop.

Had a very good listening session with my friend Robert last night. I dug deep into the record vault and pulled this one out:

I haven't played this CD since before installing the "Stop-Its" and the new Omega "Plus" E-mats. To say the sound of this CD has improved as a result of these additions doesn't do it justice. Donny Hathaway's solos put him right there in the room. I felt as though we could have reached out and touched him.

Highly recommended.

theaudiotweak ...

  • "Tim knew..a copycat can spend much time and many $ and still come up short."
I talked with Tim about this over a year ago. He had the formula down pat. He said: "Just let the copycats have their sway. They will never figure out my formula for the emulsifier, and that is the key."

Just a little tidbit for Gulpson and Geoff to chew on. :-)

glupson ...

You hit on a good point with your last post.

Like most visionaries, Tim had plans that were much more far-reaching than just mere audio. I used to listen to him totally rapt by his enthusiasm and dreams for the future of his designs. Audio was Tim's hobby and he used it as a vehicle to advance his designs. We, the audio enthusiasts, were the lucky recipients of items dropped off on a journey being taken by a genius as he passed by us as he pursued his dreams.

I remember one night, he discussed with me how he was going to turn the electric auto industry on its ear performance-wise. He was telling me how much more of a performance car he could turn Teslas’ into. He increased the performance of his own vehicle tremendously. Even Tim was amazed at the improvement.

That’s just one example he gave me over time. Some of the other ideas were bigger than that, and were about huge industrial applications for his inventions.

t_ramey ...

I'm glad you're enjoying the jazz artists I've recommended. Jazz is a very interesting thing. A friend of mine put it very well. He said that with classical music, the artist tries to play what the composer intended, to the point of perfection. With jazz, you'll be following it along with the music when the musician will make a little excursion off of the beaten path surprising you, and the reaction is ... hey, that was cool, I wasn't expecting him to do that. In other words, the jazz musician/composer plays with your mind a bit. So much of the music is between the notes, and the musician lets you fill it in, in your mind. Miles was great at that. So was Bill Evans. All of the greats were actually. 

And talking about jazz, I threw this one on last night. With the new Omega "Plus" E-mats and the Orange fuses in the system, it was absolutely fantastic both in SQ and performance. Highly recommended.


Strange things seem really strange to the uninitiated. Research the Catholic Church regarding Galileo.

I've had to adjust the thermostat for the refrigerator a number of times since being introduced to the PPT products a few years ago.

Most recently, after placing the two new Omega "Plus" mats into the circuit breaker box, the cream cheese I keep in the vegetable box froze, as did an onion. Ever tried slicing a frozen onion? It is akin to slicing a billiard ball, only a lot more slippery.

Indeed, one of Tim's dreams was to install his creations into large industrial panels so that the electric bill of commercial enterprises would be reduced, saving millions in energy costs, and to also help the environment.

He talked in terms of hospital operating rooms and the lighting there. He talked in terms of savings in costs from running huge air conditioning units in hotels, hospitals, and industrial buildings. He talked in terms of saving the world. He kind of reminded me, albeit, on a reduced scale, of Nicola Tesla. 

atdavid ...

Please stay. I would like to put you into the same camp as Slaw and Carpathian, two guys who thought I was a total nut-case. Not that I blame them, of course. *lol*

atdavid ...

Here's a series of videos on Tesla. Interesting man, indeed. It has been said that Edison tried five-thousand different experiments before he got the electric lightbulb to work. So, your claim that Tesla had a lot of failures wouldn't surprise me at all.;_ylt=AwrS_AnXytldAXAAfjBXNyoA;_ylu=X3oDMTEycmkwaWk3BGNvbG8DZ3ExBHBvcwMxBHZ0aWQDQTA2MDdfMQRzZWMDc2M-?p=tesla+how+we+use+his+inventions+today+show&fr=chr-yo_gc

glupson ...

I'm an old guy, but still sharp as a tack. The problem is, I can't always remember where I left the tack. Please refresh my memory. Do you have any PPT products in your system at this point? 

Thanks ...


t_ramey ...

Thanks ... Glad you like it.

There’s a whole series of "Poll Winners" recordings on the Contemporary label. The one above features three of the giants of jazz ... Ray Brown on bass, Shelly Manne on Drums and the great Barney Kessel on guitar.

The recordings produced by Contemporary at the start of the stereo age in the 1950s through the 1960s usually have excellent sound and performances. Also, check out jazz recordings on the Pacific Jazz label.

Check out their mono recording too. They can be superb.

I told my ex-wife that I was feeling much better since I switched from coffee to orange juice in the morning.

She said ... "It is probably the vitamin "C."

I said ... "No, I think its the Vodka."
Glupson ...

I would love for you to place a PPT Gate into your circuit breaker box, along with two Omega "Plus" E-mats, then liberally use Total Contact throughout your system, then place "Stop-Its" throughout your house in every unused socket, and finally place Omega E-Mats under your electronics,  then see if you still think the results are "minuscule adjustments."

Honestly, you speak of what you know nothing about.     It is akin to you telling someone like me who grew up in the beach towns of Southern California that there is no way that I can surf big waves without using a surfboard. Just give me a good pair of flippers, and watch. :-)

steakster ...

  • "Perhaps, you might consider a future career as a police negotiator."
Try 40 years of selling residential real estate in the brutally competitive Southern California real estate market.  That was fun stuff. Never had a day that I didn't want to go to work.

By the way, I'm hooked on the homicide program "The First 48." Does anyone else here watch that program? Talk about a sales job ... When the detectives get the suspect in the interview room, the detectives become master salespeople in order to get the perp to confess to the crime. Fun to watch.


atdavid ...

  • "I think what glupson was trying to say is that your unbridled idolatry to the point of ignoring reality ..."

So, here's the interesting and confusing part, atdavid ... how do you and glupson know what our "reality" is if you've never experienced it for yourselves?  And could that "idolatry" really be unbridled enthusiasm for a product that has gob-smacked us upside the head to the point where we just want to share the good news? 


PS: Did you check your PMs?

I've got to get out of the mindset that every "NO" gets one closer to a "YES." I'm afraid it is burned into the subconscious mind after a half-century in the sales business. Personally, I'm close to giving up on trying to convince these guys of something they refuse to be convinced of, and something they could personally benefit from.

At some point, coming to the realization that one is dealing with someone possessing a mind slammed shut can be a relief. 
  • "Everything sounds better at night. Time of day is one of those external variables I was talking about. If you like I’ll list them."
Installing "The Gate" seems to have solved that problem. At least in my system.


                                      {{{{  Ignore.  }}}}
All of the PPT products reduce noise from the AC lines and consequently the power entering the system. So, yes ... it all has a very positive effect on the day/night phenomenon all audiophiles have to deal with. The Gate really gets you there the most though.

There are times, however, when I think a soft blue light saturating the listening room, while sipping three fingers of a fine single malt Scotch may improve things a bit too.

Zippity Doo Da, Zippity Yay. What a wonderful feeling, what a wonderful day.

I wish Uncle Remus was my grandpa.


Geoff ...

I hadn't considered folks using Sony Walkmans and earbuds. You might try taping a couple of PPT Alpha Cards to the backside of your Walkman. That might improve things a bit for you. 

atdavid ...

You are so far off base on the construction of The Gate, it is not even funny. 

By the way, do you respond to private messages?

At this point, I'm thinking that besides The Gate, the new mats are second best. I believe that they are way more powerful than just double the power of the original mats, as effective as they are in their own right. In addition, they do something really special with the overall presentation that the originals don't do. 

geoffkait ....

Good for you, Geoff. Your report means a whole lot. Doubling up on the new E-Mat is even better. 

You're correct in your assessment. And, there is an existing thread regarding The Gate.  

Talking about Omega "Plus" E-Mats, mine are doing fantastic. I'm starting to think that perhaps the only way to get more realism out of the system at this point would be to hire a band.

How's everything else going for you guys?

Why no answer to the PM I sent you? 



  • "All that is left is either accepting the words of others as a gospel, or discussing the actual intent."

There's another option, and that is to order your own mats and try them out for yourself. 90-day return policy.

  • 'Wasn't The Gate secret, too?

Yep, and it still is.  

  • "Is Omega Mat now out of production?" 


Anything else?


glupson ...

  • "I know nothing about real estate sales..."  


  • "If only the inventor knew the secret, how is it still being produced?"

Who said the inventor was the only one who knew "the secret?" Things are still in full production. Stay tuned ...  a new product is forthcoming. 

  • "However, in recent times, in Western society, people got spoiled into being allowed to know what they are giving money for in advance."

Yes, Western Society did get "spoiled." We used to have the mindset that in order to achieve success we had to work for it. Therefore, in order to be "allowed to know," you'll have to learn the secret code.

Now then, you might want to call Krissy via phone, or contact her via eMail. Even though the factory is buzzing, getting ready for the Christmas rush, I'm sure she would be more than delighted to share with you all of the information regarding formulas, materials and the engineering that goes into the products.  

thecarpathian ...

I have a feeling that if you had left the + mats out of the system for a week or two instead of only two days, you would have noticed a more profound difference when putting them back in. Just a thought.

This place is better than going to a Comedy Club for the evening. Cheaper too.

Glupson ... Hope you don’t mind my asking ... in what part of the world do you live? Are you here in the states somewhere?

In the meantime, the new Omega + E-mats continue to impress. Tonight’s listening session included this disc of the great classical guitarist John Williams.

The rendition of Rodrigo’s "Concierto de Aranjuez" is worth the price of entry. The English horn is especially beautiful.

Highly recommended.

It wouldn't bother me one iota if a person tried a product (any product) and they said it didn't work for them, or it didn't sound good, or whatever. Especially considering that so much of what we do is system dependent. 

It is criminal to demean a product on these forums without ever trying the product personally.  I've said it many times before, it is akin to arson. Why? Because without any evidence what so ever, the poster is attempting to destroy a business and burn it to the ground.

If that isn't a criminal mindset, then what is it?

Glubson ...

Please state your intent in posting in this thread. Thanks ..

glupson ...

  • "I pick "magnetic field". That is the only one we are sure exists in this story. The thing has magnetic coating." 

180 degrees out of sync. I detect no magnetic properties in the new Omega + E-Mats. Have you detected magnetic properties in the + E-Mats you've placed into your system, Glupson? 

glupson ...

Just so you’ll understand ... The original mats were made using the same material used for refrigerator magnets. You know, those cute little things that people stick to the front doors of their fridge? They were used for convenience and not for effect. The Alpha cards were made the same way, then Tim switched to a metal backing for those. The new Omega + E-Mats don’t have any magnetic properties at all that I can tell. None of the other products are magnetic either. I liked the magnetic Alpha cards. I have them plastered vertically to the sides of the PC that I use for the bedroom system.

The bedroom system consists of the PC, two Audioengine +2 speakers and I stream via Spotify. For headphone listening, I have a pair of Grado RS-1s and an Audioengine DAC. Of course, everything I could possibly get at has been treated with Total Contact. The little rig plays big and is a delight to listen to.

Such negativity emanating from the folks who have never seen the product, felt the product or used the product. Such positive accolades emanating from those who have. 

I just finished another listening session tonight ... my mind has been boggled once again. 


geoffkait ....

I've used Mu metal. There's a limit in its effectiveness. A little is good. Too much and it dulls the sound. Not so with the Omega E-Mats. The more E-mats the better the sound.



I'm using the Sound Application power conditioner. I've placed Omega E-mats under it to good effect. Highly recommended.
