Ligeti, Messiaen, Penderecki and so on.

There doesn't seem to be much by way of Neue Musik in the archived threads. Shall we get one going on this contemporary niche?

Comments/sugg'ns re literature, interpretations or just stuff from bookmark files etc. are all welcome. A first post will follow shortly.

Showing 7 responses by agonanon

Here are some websites with sample listening material that provide a nice introduction to - and focus on - specific composers:

Karlheinz Stockhausen - Stockhausen-Verlag, media files

György Ligeti - Tonbeispiele (music samples)

Isang Yun - Uni Mozarteum Salzburg (samples, discourse) (German)
Bienvenue cher confrères!

To Flex' book rec'n --coming in at 1,376pp (!) in its 2003 edition-- I'll add, for general purposes here, any of C. Rosen's writings on music, especially the slim & succinct monograph of '75.

One of the questions that often arises with regard to "new music" is - Who do you mean? In any case here are a number of composers for the categories Atonality, Electronic Music, Integral Serialism, Just Intonation, Microtonal Intonation, Minimalism, The New York School and Twelve-Tone from Mozilla's Open Directory Project (ODP), dmoz.

A couple of links to general sites where some of their music can be heard will be posted later :=)
In the same vein as the first post -but generally (not restricted to the contemporary)- visit also, Classical Plus, Composers (Birtwistle, Lutoslawski, ...-astonishing site :0), CD Catalogue (Berg, Shostakovich,...)

Classical Music Archives, artists' index
I have not been partial to Glass fearing the jokes may not be entirely untrue, will have to investigate further... For her may I rec'd Messiaen's rhapsodically tranquil Vingt Regards sur l'Enfant-Jésus? It comes with a guarantee of longevity ;-)

Mais enchanté toujours, cher Gregm!

Esteemed Albertporter, Zaikesman, I was not aware of Edgar Varèse and am now finding him congenial - thank you...

EV excerpts:
Integrales f. small orchestra and percussion
Ofrandes: Chanson de la haut f. soprano and chamber orchestra
Ofrandes: La croix du sud f. soprano and chamber orchestra
Density for flute

Por todos los Zappatistas, EV: The Idol of My Youth
Flex: I am very grateful for your kind recommendations and specificity. I feel very much that -certainly as regards contemporary classical- our musical tastes significantly overlap (but you are much further along). Thank you for the benefit of your knowledge. Rautavaara- wow!

(For anyone interested, some quicklinks to bkgrnd, etc after some of the above rec'ns & contribs to be posted later.)

Incidentally, among my favorites are also the Str Q of Shostakovich - + Kurtág's
Music for Strings... for choral work Ligeti... I lament that more chamber works like Schoenberg's Kammersymphonie N 2 Op.38 are not easy to find. I also like the compactness of Berg & Webern's shorter works (e.g. Berg's 3 Pieces for Orchestra). Reaching further back, even the understatement of some of Bach's Orgel-Büchlein seem an interesting precursor of minimalism.
Indeed, and I hope others will continue to post comments, etc. re new music on the board - but I have to go shopping now too...

Schubert's Sym N 8 - also known as "Die Unvollendete"/"Unfinished".
Neue Musik - an incomplete blog based on music mentions in this thread.