New music, what, why etc...

Three questions:

What new music have you purchased?

Why did you buy it?

What do you think of it?

I'll start, I just bought two reissues. The Yes Fragile from analog productions, and a reissue of Stevie Ray Vaughn Couldn't Stand the Weather.

I bought them on the recommendation of a friend.

I am amazed by both of them. I have other copies of both, and these excel all the previous copies. The Yes LP added soo much weight and authority to an LP that I have heard (consevatively) hundreds of times. Tin Pan Alley was a revelation. Both Lps offered so much music for the low cost of admission, that I strongly recommend them to you too!




Showing 1 response by reubent

I thought you meant "new music", not newly released versions of the same ol music (admittely good, but still old).

Sorry, I got nothin' for ya. Feel free to ignore me and get back to the thread.....

Oh, I do have one recommendation. It's not new and I've owned it since 1994. Check out "Puzzle" from dada. It's one of my favorite rock records of the last 15 years. It's also pretty well recorded in it plain ol' original release CD form. Remarkably well recorded for a modern rock record...
