New music, what, why etc...

Three questions:

What new music have you purchased?

Why did you buy it?

What do you think of it?

I'll start, I just bought two reissues. The Yes Fragile from analog productions, and a reissue of Stevie Ray Vaughn Couldn't Stand the Weather.

I bought them on the recommendation of a friend.

I am amazed by both of them. I have other copies of both, and these excel all the previous copies. The Yes LP added soo much weight and authority to an LP that I have heard (consevatively) hundreds of times. Tin Pan Alley was a revelation. Both Lps offered so much music for the low cost of admission, that I strongly recommend them to you too!




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Asphalt Jungle
Crystal Method's Soundtrack to a movie called London
Buddha Chillout

I came across all three on and I liked all three.