New Music Recommendations 2012

We have a wealth of musical wisdom here and it seems many enjoy having an ongoing thread were we can share new music finds with the rest of the forum. Here we go!

If you're enthusiastic about a new album you've picked up feel free to tell us about it. Post, discuss, inform....but be civil:)

No genre limitations, anything goes as we have all sorts of interests here. Classical, Jazz, Indie, Folk, Rap, R&B, Blues, Techno, Ambient, Modern Classical and on and em all..

Let the music play.......

Showing 2 responses by rbrowne

A mix from 2012 in the electro-acoustic, ambient, electronic, drone, neo-classical genres that I like:

Greg Haines - Digressions
Keith Kenniff - Branches
Olan Mill - Paths
Ex Confusion - Embrace
Pjusk - Tele
Ryan Teague - Field Drawings
Richard_stacy, it would appear that we are musically kindred spirits. From 2011 I would add:

Marconi Union - Beautifully Falling Apart (Ambient Transmissions Vol. 1)
A Winged Victory For The Sullen - A Winged Victory For The Sullen
Harold Budd & Robin Guthrie - Bordeaux
Leyland Kirby - Eager To Tear Apart The Stars
Nils Frahm - Felt
Black Swan - In 8 Movements
Antonymes - The Licence To Interpret Dreams
Olafur Arnalds - Living Room Songs
Dustin O'Halloran - Lumiere
Harold Budd - In The Mist
Ryan Teague - Causeway
Robert Haigh - Strange And Secret Things
Dakota Suite & Emanuele Errante - The North Green Down
Emanuele Errante - Time Elapsing Handheld
Hauschka - Salon Des Amateurs
Nicholas Szczepanik - Please Stop Loving Me

Olan Mill is releasing Home next week, which promises to be stellar. Limited edition CD of 300 copies.

I'd love to hear about some of your favorites. Hopefully others will be exposed to some overlooked and under explored musical genres.

Anyone interested in the electronic, ambient, neo-classical musical genres check out Fluid Radio Click on the Channel 1 link for streaming music.

BTW, I am also a fan of Rhythm & Sound!