New Music Recommendations 2012

We have a wealth of musical wisdom here and it seems many enjoy having an ongoing thread were we can share new music finds with the rest of the forum. Here we go!

If you're enthusiastic about a new album you've picked up feel free to tell us about it. Post, discuss, inform....but be civil:)

No genre limitations, anything goes as we have all sorts of interests here. Classical, Jazz, Indie, Folk, Rap, R&B, Blues, Techno, Ambient, Modern Classical and on and em all..

Let the music play.......

Showing 2 responses by nglazer

Ben Howard __ Every Kingdom

A performance on the order of Van Morrison's Moondance. A landmark pop-folk album. Outstanding lyrics, original and stirring music, soulful performance. An artist to be reckoned with. Don't miss this one.

Lisa Marie Presley's latest -- Storm and Grace -- produced by T-Bone Burnett, is breathtakingly good. Lucinda Williams-esque but deeper and more mysterious sounding.

This is a landmark album, mark my words.
