New Music Recommendations 2012

We have a wealth of musical wisdom here and it seems many enjoy having an ongoing thread were we can share new music finds with the rest of the forum. Here we go!

If you're enthusiastic about a new album you've picked up feel free to tell us about it. Post, discuss, inform....but be civil:)

No genre limitations, anything goes as we have all sorts of interests here. Classical, Jazz, Indie, Folk, Rap, R&B, Blues, Techno, Ambient, Modern Classical and on and em all..

Let the music play.......

Showing 2 responses by loomisjohnson

through the graces of my new true love, MOG, i went on a manic new release binge. my comments thus far:
bob mould, silver age. the ever-intense one is back to rocking really hard--this sounds like his classic 90s stuff with sugar. never known for a rich sonic palette, he pretty much sticks to his basic angsty barrage. which is a damn good thing.
animal collective, centipede. apparently a big critic's band--they won the pazz and jop poll a couple of years ago. they do that beach boys-meet pink floyd thing that seemingly every other indie band is doing. they're pretty good at it,too--exploratory and psychedelic--but after awhile you can't help but notice that they don't actually have any songs.
cat power, sun. another much-hyped tortured artist type. for some odd reason i keep buying her records, although she doesn't rock, isn't very tuneful and doesn't sound very interesting.
just loaded most of the above on mog. best i've heard of late is the fresh & onlys, long slow dance--sorta 80s jangly guitar pop; i hear traces of the smiths and the poppier side of the church--distinctive vocals and good guitars with actual hooky songs that embed in your head after a while. rewards repeat listens.