New music on vinyl

Hey all,
so it seems to me that the only new music you see on vinyl is pop/ classical, no jazz (other than Tacet which has released some beautifully crafted pressings)
Am I missing something? What do we need to do to get the labels to release some new classical and jazz on vinyl - i am getting tired of re-issues of the same old same old...
Ideas? Opinions?

Showing 1 response by steelhead

Acoustic sounds is re-issuing some of the best Jazz albums ever recorded.

Cisco has the Heifetz album which is almost a must buy regardless of your favorite genre.

Go to Salvation Army/Thrifts/Yard Sales and pick up plenty of nice Classical music. Inspect it, run it through a cleaner, LAST it, and you will have some great music at a bargain price for a little effort.

And, Have Fun.