New Mojo Mystique X

Who has ordered the new Mystique X being released later this year? I was going to buy a used Mystique V3 but they are just impossible to find. Ben had a possible trade in unit for me but the owner decided not to go ahead.

The new models carry quite a price and to take advantage of the introductory discount it seems they have to be bought unheard, just going on previous models’ reputations. Could those who are buying the new model please share their reasons why.

Showing 4 responses by jjss49

i have a mystique v3 coming in... will compare to my stalwarts chord, weiss, ank 4.1

and so what dac(s) have you found that for your use listening to electronica, that outperforms the mojo unit you exited from on those criteria you specified (clarity/detail, noise floor, lack of coloration, speed/impact)?

we would love to be educated...

379 posts

11-07-2021 6:17pm

I had the Mojo Mystique Evo B2B with the A Core upgrade for awhile.
