New McIntosh MA252

Wondering if anyone has listened to the new MA252. I have an MA6500 pushing 200 watts into my SF Olympica llls which I think sound great. Question - would the tube preamp on the new MA252 add noticeable warmth, richness, sound stage presence? Thanks. 


Showing 1 response by manishe

I was curious about the MM Phono Input. I currently am running a Hegel amp, Pro-Ject Debut, and new B&W 707 S2's.

I wanted to upgrade my turntable to a Rega P6 with the Ania MC cartridge. But I noticed the MA252 has a MM Phono Preamp.

Should I get a P6 with MM cartridge instead then? Otherwise I have to buy a whole other MC phono preamp. And why didn't McIntosh build this in? I noticed the McIntosh MT2 & MT5 are MC, so you can't even connect those out of the box to the MA252.