New Marantz SA11S2?

Can someone please describe the new Marantz SA11S2 sound for me? In general terms, is it smooth, detailed, dynamic, soft, transparent, slightly veiled, impactful bass, slightly rounded bass, great treble extension or slightly rolled? Warm robust midrange, lean mids, fairly neutral to dry?

Thank you
First, we ALL hear in our own way.

I have the Marantz SA-11S2 with the Level 2 Underwood Modifications, and I have compared it to many other players, that are twice its costs and beyond.

IMHO, Mr. Ishiwata has truly created a "keeper", if you examine the build quality, and the parts used; It is clear that this is not a mere mass market "production" player, but is made to make music.

All I can say is, there is no "Digital signature" at all.
It is to me, as close to a "Master Tape Player" no edges,
as most Digital products have, perhaps the Underwood Mods. are the big difference, I don't bother arguing with people,
I let the player speak for itself.

My wife, has never been a serious listener of music, but just a casual listener; However, when I play music on the Marantz, she says it is like a "Spiritual experience".

The instruments sound real, and full size, the decay, the separation, it is sublime, the ultimate test...Listen to "Espbjorn Svensson Trio- From Gagarin's Point of View" an import CD, that is piano, drums, and acoustic double bass,
hearing Dan Berglund use the bow on the bass, will bring tears to your eyes, if it is played on a true "Reference System", the Grand Piano played by Esbojorn Svensson, tests
the limits of your equipment, if there is ANY weak link, this CD will expose it.

Go to the Focus site for a taste of this incredible CD.

All I can say, is every person that has listened to my Marantz, has walked away, in sheer disbelief, and awe, of the incredible detail, and sense of "being there" that this player delivers.

Synergy is everything, I am fortunate, that over the past 35 years, I have finally found each piece, that makes the next sound even better, from the power from the wall, to the speakers,
every piece compliments the next, creating a musical "experience" unlike Anything, I have yet to hear.

So much so, I no longer feel the need to keep "searching",

I am "there", and I am 100% satisfied beyond ANY musical experience, that even dreamed possible.

The SACD playback is "spot on", but even the regular CD playback, is almost superior to the SACD playback, depending on the recording.

It is THAT good!

When people that are not "music lovers" comment, on how they "have NEVER heard or experienced music like this before" I know that it is not just me, that feels this way.

My Fed-Ex, and U.P.S. drivers, always beg me to allow them to hear music, and risk being late delivering, because they are floored when they come over and hear the music.

Like they say, "it's like the speakers have vanished!"
Leaving only the instruments, filling the room with sound.
My SA-11S2 is superior to the the Marantz SA-7S1, which is quite an incredible player, the Underwood Mods. make the difference here clearly. No small feat. Yes I have had the pleasure of comparing the 2 players. No assumptions here just fact.

Having been in a Studio and listening to a Master Tape player, my SA-11S2, is to me, as close to that, like splitting hairs.

But again, I must stress that it the "sum of the equipment"
that delivers this level of sound.

Oh, I know that I am blessed beyond any words.

Such a gift, that my ears are "enjoying sound beyond what I truly dreamed possible".

Even Discs that I previously thought were "horrible to listen to", sound beyond anything I ever imagined.

This player extracts every iota of information from the Disc, even when a drummer "breaks a stick" you hear it!

Again, to each his own, we ALL hear in our own way.

I just know that, I no longer, long for ANYTHING else!

It is like enjoying the finest meal, or driving the finest automobile.

I wish ALL people could enjoy music at the same level that I now do, only then would you understand why I no longer am "looking for something better". I doubt my ears could hear anything any better.

Thankful, I am.

I Love Music!