New Management at Atma-Sphere Music Systems


Showing 4 responses by springbok10

>>But above all, my hope is that my friend Ralph Karston is treated well by the new management of Atma-Sphere. That matters a lot to me<<

I think you speak for most-all of us AS owners. The single discordant element here, that is plain as daylight, is Ralph's silence. I think he is saying something profound by not saying a word.
Well said, Rush. I echo 100% your sentiments and believe that, irrespective of the business/contractual details that exist between Ralph and the new owners, Ralph has inspired such loyalty in AS owners that, if the result of the take-over is to deny Ralph the ability to continue to work in the high-end audio industry, there will be such resentment amongst us owners that it can only reverberate negatively for the new AS. The new owners may well say that it's none of our business what transpires in the corporate world between new and ex-owners; however the extent of loyalty and concern that we share for Ralph will make legal details irrelevant to us, the consumer, the present and future customers of Atma-Sphere. Sorry to be trite, but if Ralph perceives his treatment to be shabby and inequitable, then so do we and if the bottom line is customer satisfaction, then the new owners would be best served to keep the customers happy:)!
You'll be fine - those things are built to last a millenium. When I had a question after Ralph left, Bill Layer was extremely helpful. Worst case, call Ralph. The amps are as good as you have heard. Maybe even better. Mine is.