New macbook air for computer audio

Do you think the new macbook air 13" would be suitable for streaming audio? The new one has a ssd which is apparently much faster than a hard drive. Downside is that storage is a bit short and very expensive. I am struggling to figure out if it would be worth the extra $750 for the macbook pro 15" which has firewire etc.. I will really only use the computer for web surfing and downloading/streaming 24/96. Anyone using the new air? Your thoughts?

Showing 1 response by classicjazz


I'd consider getting an Apple certified refurb Macbook Pro. They are cheaper and have the same warranty - 1 year. You have to buy the Applecare protection plan to get coverage for years 2 and 3 and this applies to new and refurb alike. I am a longtime Macbook Pro user and am considering the 13" MBA or a 15" 2.8 i7. I find my 17" notebook too bulky to lug around.

I also agree with Isochronism, a Mac Pro is outstanding if you only need a home based unit. I use an 8-core for my home office (used in research). You could put it on your network and have terabytes of data and also run Mac and Windows concurrently.

The other option is a Mac Mini, dedicated to the AV system. This is my third option - it has hdmi and can thus stream video directly.