New Loudspeakers

Does anyone have any comments on Escalante Design Loudspeakers, SP Technologies Loudspeakers, or Aero loudspeakers?

Sorry for the delay in response -- I've been doing other "life" stuff, and hadn't checked the thread...

The Escalante Design Pinyons, as can be expected from being monitors, image extremely well. Beyond that, however, they also present an extraordinary amount of detail without sounding too analytical. I listened to various other monitors that were impressive: the Magico minis come to mind, but at $20K+ for a pair of monitors…(!)

Most of the models that presented similar amounts of detail tended to sound a bit harsh, analytical, and ultimately, fatiguing. I would describe them as being somewhat “cold”. On the other side of the coin were the speakers that sounded “warm” and “rounded”. They were less fatiguing than their analytical brethren, but left me wanting more detail and “zing”. I always got the uncomfortable feeling that I was listening to a musical picture that was missing something; that the music was “lagging” the true picture. After a while, I would find myself going back and forth between two sets of speakers that represented the two extremes, while wishing for a pair that could do both the detail AND the musical part, without the shortcomings of either pair.

When I first heard the Pinyons, I was floored. I was finally able to just relax and listen to the music, rather than spend time looking for flaws in the reproduction. Now, I consider myself to be an appropriately jaded listener. I’ve heard a lot of systems, starting in 1977, and am not easily impressed. For a speaker to leave an impression that deep, and that quickly, is quite a feat. Still, I took my time (months and months) and continued checking out other systems, looking over specs and technical info about the operating principles behind the sound, and listening some more, with all different types of music to ensure that I wasn’t overlooking some hidden deficiency. What I found was that, coupled with their Uinta subwoofer, (one of the few subwoofers fast enough to keep up with the Pinyons), they cover the entire range from top to bottom, and they do so seamlessly, with a natural quality that is almost eerie. Overall, the sound is extremely smooth, musical, and effortless, allowing you to hear into the music and its original recording venue. The depth and detail that they can reproduce is simply stunning.

But perhaps the most telling aspect of their reproduction is what happens when I invite friends (both audiophile and non-audiophile) over. When I play their CDs, they think I've substituted a "special" version of their CD for theirs. I hear things like: "Where did those other things come from?" referring to the speakers’ ability to reveal layers of vocals and instruments, accurately represented in time and space. They comment on how they can hear all the detail, all the instruments clearly, but presented as a complete picture sonically. Having heard my previous reference speakers (Apogee Duettas), they were shocked that this sound was emanating from a dynamic speaker.

In fact, even though I currently own a pair of Fremonts, I am toying with the idea of keeping the Pinyons as the main speakers in a second system…or even a third…


You mentioned you owned the Pinyons. What was your impression
of them? Did you have a chance to compare them to other
monitors? I may be looking to replace my B&W Sig 805s in
the near future and the Pinyons have sparked my interest.

I got my Fremonts a couple of weeks ago and love them. These things are fast and tight at the low end (man I love these things with rock and roll) as well as "musical" in the mid and tweeter.

It took me a little time to find optimal placement but once I got them there, they really shined.
I purchased a pair of Fremonts, after also owning a pair of Escalante Design Pinyons. I would say that they are the best things that I've heard under $80K a pair, but I have yet to hear anything above that level that is definitively better, either.

They have the uncanny ability to present the timbres of the instrument, voice, etc., in such a realistic manner so as to be scary. The "inner detail" and structure of the music comes out, as does the imaging, depth, and the "feel" of the original recording venue, or at least what appears to be captured in the recording itself. Vocals are smooth and non-irritating, even after extended listening; and the speakers themselves appear accomplish two opposing goals: smoothness and "flow", but with scads of detail. Many times, speakers sound smooth because they are lacking musical detail; or, they deliver lots of information, but pierce your ears in the process. Not so with the Fremonts -- they give ribbon-like detail, but with body, dynamics, and a sense of life that is utterly non-fatiguing. This is a first in my experience...prior to the Escalantes, I could only listen to my Apogee Duettas, combined with a Bag End Infrasub-18 subwoofer for the low end, for extended periods. Even that didn't satisfy me completely, since the dynamic range was somewhat constricted (the Apogees can take huge amounts of current, but their ultimate dynamic range is limited, as is the Bag End's).

Enter ED speakers. Now I have all the detail I want, with all the ambient cues for location, time, and space intact...AND with a frequency response and dynamic range to die for, with NO compression of any frequency range, at ANY volume level.

When you get your Fremonts, be sure to post and let me know how much you enjoy them. This is one company that is going to shake up the entire audio establishment!
Seadog, I just purchased some Fremonts. I hope to have them in 4-6 weeks. I will post back here to report on how they sound. I have my fingers crossed as I bought them without hearing (I know, not a good idea).

Anyone else out there with a recent purchase of the Fremonts?