New Look for Audiogon hard to work with

Is there a way to undo the "tile" look? It was a lot easier to work with the text list. 
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We really want to thank you for your feedback on the Search and Listing View changes. There were a few technical glitches with the search functionality, and we will be working quickly to rectify those to be more accurate. We will be introducing the ability to switch between the Classic View and the new Grid View in the coming days so that users have control over their preference. We appreciate your patience. Again, thank you for your support of Audiogon and for your honest opinion on this matter.
Sorting is also totally broken, has no function.  Selecting a sorting method causes a refresh but zero change to the search results in either Top results or Similar results.  Just go back to the old UI already.
"Update" is a complete failure.  Obligatory keyhole images are absurd!  This looks like a project from some college kid graphic designer.  Impossible to navigate effectively.  After years of using Audiogon, today I just gave up.  The new format is not worth attempting.
Audiogon is a tool and should be implemented to use a such. Cute, slick and edgy are antithetical.