New Look for Audiogon hard to work with

Is there a way to undo the "tile" look? It was a lot easier to work with the text list. 

Showing 4 responses by smithfreeman

Never post on the forums, but I will for this.  Bad UI update.  More flashy, less functional.  Not to mention bugs bugs bugs.  In the marketplace you hit "equipment" to get rid of all the music and there is no change.  Lists are about usability and search.  Thumbnails are nice but not at the cost of the overall function.  They should have tested it before just pulling the trigger.
Sorting is also totally broken, has no function.  Selecting a sorting method causes a refresh but zero change to the search results in either Top results or Similar results.  Just go back to the old UI already.
The search system is really an array of failures.  For example I search "ps audio" and the TOP RESULTS are relevant, but limited to only 8!  Lord knows that I'm looking for all of the PS Audio gear and really most interested in the NEW ones.  Secondly the SIMILAR RESULTS are literally anything with "PS" and "AUDIO" in it.  Klipsch is all over the results because kliPSch.  Not to mention there are 154pages of results including all that "AUDIO" music albums, not to mention no 200/page list view.  ::facepalm::  Again... really should have done some proper testing.  It's 2018, not 1998.
Much improved.  Only complaint now is that the list view is fixed to 50.  Having a 200 or longer list view is more practical for desktop usage.