New Lampizator Level 4/ Version 4 DAC in the house

Wonder if any other new owners of this DAC are out there as I find it to be the finest digital playback I have heard to date. This is the first digital front end piece of gear I have owned that has transformed my music.

Ya, other digital gear does this or that better, but this Lampy breaks through to a new level of musical enjoyment. Clear view into the music helping the speakers just disappear. Only 24 hours of break in and the music flows so sweet, intimate and seemingly without boundaries.

Looking under the hood I see an impressive power supply with films caps and several high quality chokes. Point to point silver wired except for the digital and USB boards. This is a three tube player that is tube rectified. One has the option for SS rectification if desired.

Ya, I love this Lampy!

Showing 9 responses by lissnr

Charles, I had met him a few months ago and those were my same impressions of Lukasz...add to your list his 'humble' persona and sprinkle it with both audio engineering brilliance and an [obviously] discerning ear... and I agree with your prediction.
My "trail" of Lampi equipment first from an L4G4 Dac to my current Big 6 Dac and the Lampizator TranspOrt has me listening to the best digital sound I have ever heard. YM WON'T vary. It's refreshing to see how the combination of serious talent and hard work, works.
Let me add a big thanks to Fred and Rob too for their help in "Getting it done".
Hi Bill, I'm pretty familiar with the Jensens and you have described them accurately...they are a "feel good" cap that will make most systems lean to the 'pleasant' side of real. They are very seductive in that regard and even in a generally well balanced [referring to tonal character] system they are difficult to remove once you are accustomed to their sound. I would also recommend them to anyone with a slightly "hot" or "etched" system...perhaps someone with NO tubes anywhere through the signal path and that might lean to a traditional ss sound...these will be ideal.
As for the Duelund cast caps, not only are they more resolving (a good thing) they are also less warm (but still a GOOD thing) because what they REALLY are is utterly natural and realistic sounding.
In my experience I have heard the Lampi L4G4 with Jensens in my system and instantly heard its obvious appeal. Once I almost immediately caught the Lampizator Dac bug I decided to move up and everything I read and heard about the "Big 6" convinced me it was a perfect choice, so I ordered one. As it turned out due to a temporary backlog of Duelunds, I went with the VH V-caps in it and learned about their particular character too. Can you say: Detail, transparency, dynamics...did I mention Detail? They were quite a contrast to the Jensens and I'm sure that in a more 'traditional' and perhaps tube-rich system they would be welcomed with their strengths. But the Duelunds finally arrived and went right in.
Here is what I'll say about the Duelunds (and please remember both my TRL Dude AND TRL GT-200 monos are fitted with them too); "Reality has landed..." Take whatever you liked about the Jensens, whatever I liked about the V-caps, whatever anyone may find as a positive attribute about any of their favorites and distill them all into a perfect blend. What you'll get is what REAL sounds like. That's what they sound like. Real. No excess... no 'lean towards...' No distinguishing flavor... Just real, honest, truthful, natural music as if it was there...or, I should say: as if it was "Here, in your own room".
IMHO do not hesitate to go with the Duelund cast copper caps wherever you can. (Yes, fortunately / unfortunately, whichever way you vs your wallet may see it), their effect IS cumulative with each piece of gear in the food chain.
Remind yourself how seriously better some piece of new equipment really made you feel? I mean a real, significant and obvious advancement in bringing you 'closer to the real thing' YOUR own room?
Do the Duelund(s). You'll feel it again.
My personal two cents. Keep in mind they do need quite a few hours before sounding their best but still sound darn good with barely a hundred. Be patient on up to 400 or more before they're finally at their best and don't be too surprised when a few months go by and you still note subtle aspects of better-than-ever...
Good luck with it and Happy Lissn'n!
Hi Bill, I understand your hesitancy when it comes to losing the beauty of the Jensen's warmth but it sounds like you have some warmth to spare considering the EL-34's in the Thor (I love that tube, its been my long term favorite output tube for almost 20 years)... add in the Audio Note coppers and it makes me think there should be room to swing back a little 'true-er'.
After all my above assertions I agree that the Duelunds will bring you closer to the real thing and I am reinforcing that but I also want to remind you that, based on your equipment it's obvious that you (understandably ) enjoy a bit of warmth in your system.
I still have one of the amps I used before the TRL's (thank you for your compliment) which is my Cary SA 280 V12R that also uses the Jensens and EL-34's.So believe me when I mention that not only is it OK to linger on the warmish side...I've lived there myself with thousands of hours of musical enjoyment and the only criticism (too strong a word but I'm making a point) is that it did veer from the truth. But, after
thousands of hours I can easily say: "so what?".
Point is, yes, you will get a considerably more truthful presentation and you will be very will truly enjoy its candor and its lack of accent flavorings and you will know right away it's more of what the truth is. But, if you are anything like me (sentimental but usually reluctant to admit it) you will not/should never sell the Jensens because in your mind you will have to know that IF you ever wanted to 'go back', even for a brief could always pop them back in and reminisce about the old days.
Good luck, enjoy. Report back!
Welcome to the world of Lampizator.
Make yourself comfortable right here in the center,
and you'll finally realize why they call it the SWEET spot.
As for swapping tubes, let it all break in first and learn the sound, then you can experiment.
Me too, in both, love em in both, as per our previous discussion. BTW Bugredmachine, I will "support" (pun intended) your homemade isolation platform (steel plate with points) as improving clarity as I use a sistrum under mine and it is a significant improvement in exactly that: Clarity. Pretty remarkable.
Another vote here for the Sistrum stands as they are a serious performance improvement. Robert at Star Sound is a pleasure to deal with and very knowledgeable. While he obviously carries some pricey stands which I have no doubt will be exceptional, I also agree that his Apprentice series is a great way to get immediate and obvious satisfaction in his product line and there's also a very fair and easy upgrade program as well. Once I tried one of his stands, of course I'm sure there are plenty other great products available and many I haven't tried, I felt I was quite obviously 'done' with the world of footers/stands/spikes/supports, etc. .
I use his spikes under my Rel Stadium subwoofer, my 5/8" rod supported DIY rack, and I also use several of his older SP-003 series platforms as under my Dude, one each under my mono blocs and one under my Lampi Big 6... I also have an SP-101 under my BGX A2 dedicated subwoofer amp. Each piece takes noticeable leaps in overall speed, precision, and accuracy but the signature benefit consistent with each one is CLARITY.
And it's cumulative.
Very impressive
Jafox, you will also find that after a few hundred hours of listening you will be somewhat " re-conditioned" into how natural reproduced music has become via the L6. There will never be any feeling of "artificiality" to your music room ( not assuming you noticed or felt there necessarily was before but...) you will simply 'gel' with the music like you've never really known's truly a beguiling experience. I have found Lampizator in general to have this simply natural presentation, my L4G4 hooked me into it but the Level 6 [IMHO] has completely redefined the notion of " personal listening experience" in your own home... Congratulations!
Hello LK, It's nice to hear from you here...Your "Baby", (my Big 6), is my musical Nirvana. Thank you sooo much.
P.S. LMK if you're ever on this side of the pond again. G.