New KT150 tubes?

Has anyone any experience with these pretty new tubes. There are already one or 2 amps I know of, that use them. The review of one of these amps in a UK magazine suggested they were a little warmer and more natural sounding than the nearly new KT120's

The article also suggested they were a straight swap for KT120 based amps, with no adjustment necessary. They are more than twice the cost of KT120's, but still not too costly compared with NOS tubes. I know changing from KT88's or 90's to 120's. did require some amp modification. I have an ARC reference 75 and might want to try the new tubes at some point, ARC don't seem to have a customer E-mail service, to ask the question

Showing 12 responses by xti16

Could be very interesting for me. I have an Octave V110 designed for the KT120 and I don't care for the KT120 sound (but like a little more 'control' because of a little more power). I also have the option (though a switch on the back) to go to the EL34/6550/KT88 tubes (my Ei KT90's sound great at the higher plate voltage - KT120 setting). The KT150 may be more to my liking if they are warmer and more natural sounding. To me the KT120 is forward and bright.

That's my opinion
Btselect - Thanks for the info. I just wrote to Mick at Dynaudio to ask Andreas if the KT150's will be OK in the V110. Mick's response is Andreas is currently working with them in the V110. Makes me want to try them for sure.
Btselect - Forgot to ask. When you compared the KT150's were they fully broken in? I ask because when my KT120's were new I really liked them. After 100 hrs I had to take them out. Too forward and a bit grainy. I loaned them to a friend who said he loved them. He put about 150 hrs on them when I got them back. I tried them again although better (very linear) I also replaced my driver tubes (Telefunken 12at7's) with some warm sounding Mullards which helped even more but still not as good as EiKT90's.
Booboobaer - How many hrs are you talking about? I found with the KT120's they took at least 200 hrs to settle down.
Btselect - My V110 came with a Sovtek 12ax7lps and the drivers are current production Tung Sol. I don't care fgor either of those tubes. Like I said before I did like the KT120's for the first 25 hrs. If you like bandwidth check out the Gec CV6091/A2900 (12at7's).
the KT150 tubes had rediculous bloom in mid and bass. But given time that all goes away.

Funny that would be how I would explain the first 25 hrs with the KT120's. Kind of reminds me of the original Tung Sol 6550 solid black plates with deeper lows. Although the mids of the TS 6550 bp has mids that rival the EL34 sound which I thought was close to the KT120's when new.

Booboobaer - Please post back when they are fully broken in.
Andreas Hoffman (owner and designer) from Octave has cleared the KT150 for use in the V110. He did also mention if you have a V110 you will only be able to hear the sonic differences but get no more power out of the KT150 without a circuit re-design. He said he likes the KT150 sound a lot (didn't mention why) and is considering re-designing the V80 to accommodate the KT150 for the higher power.
The "life testing" of 150s has taken so long that it's starting to freak me out..
Wolf -- Look at the bright side. The longer it takes the life testing the longer tube life it has (Duh). I'd consider it a good thing. But I already have the blessing of Octave for my amp. Another thought - Since they now have a new amp that uses the KT150 they must like them. I'm just waiting for my local tube guy (Jim McShane) to sell them.
Cmalak -- I haven't tried the KT150 in my Octave V110 but I have tried the SED 6550 and the KT120. Both have very similar sonic signatures. When I was looking for SED EL34's a few years ago (had the Octave V70se then)I met with Jim McShane and he told me about the quality of SED tube taking a nose dive. He said that Arc was the largest customer for SED tubes. In fact when I got my V70 the SED 6550 was the stock tube with the SED KT88 as an option. The KT88 is a much warmer sounding tube.
Wow great price Wolf. But sue to write how they sound especially compared to the KT120's.
Just found this on another site.

ARC amps and KT150's

Audio Research finally clarified this morning in writing that the KT150's are electrically compatible with the following:


However, because the KT150 is physically larger than the KT120, technical compatibility has not been confirmed at this time. For example, they indicated there might be a "clearance problem" with the top cover of the REF75. MEP can you confirm?

There should not be an issue with the REF150 or REF250.

They made mention that the proper selection of the bias range and device matching of the KT150 tubes for each model is of critical importance for optimal sonic performance. They recommended customers purchase properly matched and biased KT150's from Audio Research for their particular product - when they become available from ARC - later in the first quarter.

They mentioned that KT150 tube sets will not be available for the REF750's for quite a while due to the tube matching requirements for a pair of the big 750's.

ARC made mention that they will NOT be held responsible for damages and/or repairs to a product if the KT150 tubes were installed that were NOT purchased as a set from Audio Research. Interesting.
No mention of pricing