New KLE Innovations XLR Cable

The PingPing brothers have spotted a new cable from KLE Innovations.

This one is an XLR cable and there was much excitement when first heard of. After success with Copper Harmony RCA and Absolute Harmony RCA (we shall not speak of Silver Harmony or Pure Harmony), expectation for successful XLR connector was big time. But for a company that is making best connectors, it was much disappointment to see that Neutrik XLR connectors are used on new cable. Why does this happen? Yes, Neutrik are good and cheap studio standard, but KLE Innovations advertise as ultra-high end audio company - where is KLE Innovations XLR. Disappointing.

Showing 8 responses by ypingping

"A simple email to KLE Innovations revealed that Neutrik actually built the XLR plugs to KLE Innovations spec."  This is interesting!  What is spec?  Would be good to hear more about this? 

Well. yes, KLEI does not re-invent the wheel with XLRs, maybe?  But we have very good XLRs available already:  Xhadow, ETI Kryo, Abbatron - all use higher quality conductive materials than Neutrik.  So what mod does KLEI do to improve the Neutriks? 

Sadly yping, other Ping brother has not commented. I think he does not hear this cable yet - worried like me about Neutriks with nickel and brass in their construction.  But maybe when we hear about improvements, it is different story.  Perhaps modified Neutriks use tellurium copper with silver plating?

These response from Mr. Wonka confuse me. First Neutrik XLRs are specially modified for KLEI by Neutrik.  Now it seems that Neutrik plugs are very good anyway, and justified as audiophile XLR.  This is good, but why then KLEI make the Harmony RCAs?  Why not use Neutrik RCAs for ultra high end?  Because, I think, Copper Harmony and Absolute Harmony are better than Neutrik RCAs.  So where is better XLR for ultra high end? 

But some news from friend, JKG.  He emails Neutrik, and they nicely respond to him:  "Thank you for contacting Neutrik. Performance of any connector is normally highly dependent on the cable carrying the signal. With that being said, I am not aware of any modifications to our XLR for better performance. Normally users use solder as the means of connecting the cable and our connectors."  But, perhaps, he speak to wrong person?
From Mr. Wonka above: "A simple email to KLE Innovations revealed that Neutrik actually built the XLR plugs to KLE Innovations spec. "
Simple question may be asked. Is this true honest statement?  What is specification for special KLEI Neutrik XLRs?

Sigh!  KLEI need to establish that they have Neutrik XLR built to spec especially for them, and state what specs are.  Not just Mr Wonka doing special PR for this company like always.   Please, I think you should read review you post again. It is quite ordinary.  Nobody respond with interest.  Review was lacking confidence in product.  

Where is evidence KLEI Neutrik is special XLR when all other evidence suggests it is not.  This all sound made up, same as our favorite movie: "Willie Wonka and Chocolate Factory" - make believe. Why can we not ask why ultra high end company as advertised uses Neutrik XLRs when same company has made quality RCAs? Why do this?

Where is @yping ? His view would be interesting?  KLEI are his favorite company.  Like Mr Wonka he posts many reviews.  I hear from friend JKG he does not discuss because he is embarrassed favorite company does not use ultra high end XLRs. 
So same question remains. Mr Wonka says: "A simple email to KLE Innovations revealed that Neutrik actually built the XLR plugs to KLE Innovations spec. "
Simple question may be asked. Is this true honest statement? What is specification for special KLEI Neutrik XLRs?

This is question needs to be answered. Everything else is sounding made up.
Is there news on how the KLE Innovations Neutrik XLR has been modified as reported above?  I checked website and find nothing. And apart from one indifferent review I can find nothing else about this.  Very disappointing as I said before.  Are KLE Innovations going to develop an XLR that matches the Copper Harmony?