New-ish to Audiogon Forums... Is it always like this?

I have been trying to be more involved in the forums over the last couple weeks, and I'm noticing a trend already. It seems that when someone asks for a recommendation for a piece of equipment, they provide little to no room/system context. In a couple threads, I've asked the OP to provide more information, such as system information, preferences, requirements, and the like, and ended not getting much more information. The thread ends up being a running list of members' favorite gear, whether it really helps the OP or not. Is this the norm? If so, I'll probably stop trying to be more involved.

Showing 4 responses by daveman2

@grinnell - lol. I hope you were joking at least.

Thanks for the replies, it's good to hear that there are some diamonds in the rough. I'll keep an open mind, appreciate the good posts, and try not to let the noise bother me. I mean, it is the internet after all.

Thanks for the additional, thoughtful replies. @sbank - reading through your list of user types, I cringe to think that I sometimes fall into the wrong category. Honestly, I’m personally still learning how to interact online, in the most positive and meaningful way. It’s odd that it is so different than talking in person. You’d think that it would come "naturally" but it takes some getting used to. EDIT - maybe it's just me.
@bubba12 - you will have to follow a thread to get emails on it. Then double-check your email preferences for the Forums.
Again, thanks for the insights. It seems there a quite a few good folks here who are respectful, reasonable, and generally caring. That makes me happy. Here's to the good contributors out there. To all the selfish riffraff: prepare to be ignored.