New HT/2CH room

Due to family medical circumstances I am losing my 25 by 20 HT/2CH listening room. My new room will be 16 by 13 (one advantage to this the old room was so big everyone's junk got dumped there, wife “promised” new room will be strictly mine and mine alone).

Upcoming issues now my speakers are 32 inches from front wall and seating is about 6 feet from back wall. Pretty sure this will have to change. Are there speakers that work better close the wall than others and is it okay to have seating against the back wall? 

Present speakers are AV123 Strata Mini’s. I will probably have a budget of 3 to 5 thousand to replace them, if they don’t work close to the back wall. Seems to be varying opinions on how close to the wall speakers can go.                                            The rest of my system: Emotiva XMC1 and Emotiva UPA700 for HT surround and center channel. Rogue RP-1 and Parasound 2125v2 for 2CH.  Rega P6 w/ Ania cart and a Rega MCFono for vinyl and a Bluesound Vault 2 for digital music. After I retire some of this will be upgraded. Especially phono amp and cartridge maybe Rogue to RP-5v2

This room will also handle HT duties as well. Though it will probably go from 7.1 to 5.1

I really do appreciate any and all input, but please refrain from denigrating Emotiva and AV123 for the sake of denigrating them (I believe some “audiophiles” hate them just to hate them) both of these units have served me well for years

Thanks Ron G (Thegreenline)


Showing 2 responses by thegreenline

mahler123: for now okay with my sources. Looking for some kind of guidance on speaker seating placement.

tony1954: I believe the speakers will be on the long wall, but nothing is set in stone. If I put them on the short Wall I guess that would give me more options on seating

I’m gonna try using the short wall. Need to get a TV in there also. That would leave me room behind maybe able to still use 7.1 for my HT.