new halcros dm -88s---

has anyone heard them? how do they compare to the dm68/58??
They were at THE Show in Las Vegas (US debut), and I heard them. They were paired with a matching Halcro preamp, and EmmLabs transport and DAC6. The speakers were the Audio Classic Project T-3.1s. Now these babies were playing VERY loud - some Radiohead took the roof off. This was possibly the loudest demo at the show - late Sunday arvo. The dm88 replaces the dm68 (as you know) and it's a little more powerful at 270 watts. I think they are around $40k.

I also heard Pat Barber's "Light My Fire", which sounded great, but some Steely Dan sounded a little hard. I'm not sure that the speakers were the perfect match for the Halcros, although Philip O'Hanlon thought (obviously) that they were. I had mixed feelings about this room. The sound took no prisoners on not-so-perfect source material.

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