New Guy asking for help

Need advise: Which is best for my budget, this or that? And is it better to use these with that or those with this? Or would you guys suggest the other way around? Also, I have the usual size room with a ceiling. Should that or this go on one side or on the other? Please be advice!

Showing 2 responses by nrchy

Kublakhan, are you out of your mind? "This" will never go with "that" unless you enjoy the shrill screaming of bands like Rush.

The biggest problem other than your obvious complete ignorance of this entire hobby, is your equipment rack. The cables you mentioned will never work with a rack like yours. I would suggest you spend some time in the gym and work on that rack.

Your budget is meaningless since you must be prepared to spend at least 50% more than you have budgeted for any piece of equipment.

A big issue you have completely failed to take into account is the aesthetics of a system. It really doesn't matter what you buy since everything sounds the same, but cheaper gear always sounds better than more expensive stuff. The only issue to consider when buying is whether the new piece looks good with the old junk. It is critical to a pleasant listening experience to have gear that is coordinated cosmetically. Make sure you do not ask your wife for any help since all women want to be dressed by men anyway (otherwise why would they buy their clothes from Calvin Klein, Georgio Armani, Joseph Abboud, and Gianni Versace)!

All things considered, you are barking up the wrong tree.
Earlier in the thread someone suggested listening to the systems of some of your friends, perhaps as a point of reference. This can be helpful, but often dangerous advise!

At one point I attempted this same thing. I listened to the systems of several freinds and discovered I liked all their systems, but didn't like any of them!

Who do they think they are having systems like that??? If there was any justice in this fascist country they would be listening to beautiful heads of cabbage while I enjoyed the calming strains of Wagner on their systems!

The frustration level of all this listening was so dramatic that at the end I ran screaming in every direction possible at the same time and haven't been seen since. If anyone sees me please send me home since I am so lonely without me.

Remember, this is all an attempt to help.