New Green Mountain Rios - has anyone heard them?

Just wanted to get some opinions/reviews.
Yes, I sold a pair of Marten Designs "Dukes"(which cost 5k) to get these and couldn't be more pleased.

I've spent the last 3 years looking for a pair of two-ways that were good enough for audio mastering and these out performed speakers costing four times as much. The only mini-monitor I've ever heard best the Rio is the Eos.

I liked the line and designer so much, I've become a retailer.

IMHO, the Rio is one of the best values on the planet.

Good Luck,
I have always been intrigued by the GMA products and the reviews, then I go to their website and look at them and I just cannot get past their looks. They have to be one of the ugliest speakers in all of high end. I wish I was not so shallow, but I cannot buy a pair of speakers I detest looking at. Just my opinion.