New Gallo 3.5's

Prototypes of new Gallo 3.5's being shown at CES. I have the 3.1's and am a big fan. These new Gallo's look really nice. May even convert some of you high enders out there who snub Gallo speakers. Go to link:
The fellow who sold me the outriggers for my Ref. 3.1s has a link on his site for a wide variety of spikes. Perhaps there is something there that will work properly with the Stein Audio stands...?

Good Luck!

Well my Stein Audio stands should be here towards the end of this coming week, so I'll shoot a note off to Paul over at Soundocity about the outriggers once the stands are here.

Thanks RW, Barry
Scott and I traded a few emails, and he was great to work with, but in the end I decided to work with a family friend who builds custom furniture locally. He and I were able to sit down and discuss face to face exactly what I wanted, and all I'll have to pay for is materials. I should be getting the stands very soon, and I'll put up a separate post, with; pictures, details, and my impressions of how the stands, and the different things I've tried in the interim, effected the sound.
Has anyone tried the Mapleshade stands on the 3.1's and, if so, how did they work out?