New Esoteric P02 D02


Seems like there is a new set up separates from Esoteric. The P02 D02. Hven't seen any info out there at all, but it is for sale already at retailers. Not a substitute of the P03 D03 as expected, that are still selling as well, but a new category in between de 01s and 03s. DACs and inputs seem like an upgrade of the K01.

Anyone has any info, or heard of this? You can read about it at Esoteric parent company home page (in Japan but in English).

Price in Europe is 3.000 Euros higher than the 03s per unit (so +6000 EUros higher in total)

Any feedback, info news?


Showing 18 responses by eelii08

Not me. Asume you mean the old 01s? My guess is that the 02s are more resolving. But I do not know first hand. The new 01s I think they will be better. By how much and if it is worth it, that is the question. I would habe liked to see in the new 01s streaming capabilities of some kind.
Emre nice comparation.

Asume you are still using the 7300. I think the 9300 second hand while the 9500 become available can be a nice upgrade. I heard it fits the 02s much better. I dont have first hand experience though but if you can find second hand at good price not much to loose there. I suspect it can change how you see the 02s in a material way.
Tom what Emre suggests is worth trying.

Regarding 9300 or 9500 one by one hard for me to tell. I do not have first hand experience with the 9300. Bit have read good things about it. There is a nice review in the web comparing the 9300 with the 9500.

If you go 9500 I would probably do first DAC or transport and then clock. I did all 3 at once so cant say for sure but that makes sense.

Emre the mid in the 9500 is great. You hear much more music with these cables, not just details or better bass. For how people describe the 7300 I think the 9500 is a big change. However I had rarely heard calling the 7300 as dark before, so may be worth checking in your system.
Congrats. I play it with up sampling at ESL3 at transport, so 48/176.4. At DAC I leave up convert to ORG. In my case I do not use digital filters but have to say have not really tired extensively any of them.

Clock frequency as you, but with the G01. I think you are doing well by selling the G03. In my opinion you will get better results using the D02 alone. At some point in the future do try the G01.

Good to see you all again. Zephyr you sure are positioned to get great music time ahead. And when you get use to it, a few months in the future, do consider the clock.

I myself have the 02s listed for selling. Let's see if I can also get a good home for them. There are a couple listed lately. I would upgrade to the 01s, although the 02s are so good, that I think if I don't sell them I will hold on to them for a while still.
Zephyr saw your add. Very well elaborated. Mine is a piece of c*** in comparation. Maybe I should edit.... ;-)
Zephyr if you do check with esoteric let us know what they say. I have also asked that question myself many times. You can do the up conversion either at P02 or D02. Or you can do it at both. I do it only at the P02 level and leave the D02 as ORG. Do not think doing it twice makes sense. Although it could be better to do it at the DAC. As for filter I use none, but if I decided to try some I would be also interested to know if better at transport of DAC.

Also check out the XLR gain at 0 or + 6db. It does change the sound.
I've seen the other guy pics. Is digital porno what he has there, really. Incredible.

I am willing to do the change if U can sell my 02s. I think the difference will be there. However not in a rush since the 02s sound really great. So if I can sell it at a reasonable price I will go ahead. If not, I will live happily with the 02s for sure.

It is in page one I think. Lovely.
Welcome Joe,

I had the D03 in the past and I do not think it had the option of changing xlr output gain as the D02 has (0db +6db). It did sound very good though but I think it has to be used with a preamp. I think adjuring the C03 will solve any problem. It was a great combo.

BTW I too agree the output gain in the D02 changes the sound. Mentioned earlier in the thread. I would not say one is better than the other. It is just different.

You and I are in the same situation Tom, and for the same reasons.

The drop in value of the 02s I am sure has a lot to do with the fact that a few 02s owners are upgrading and you see way more of these top digital system for sale than you would otherwise. Before the 01s were out, you could very rarely see a 02 system for sale and now there are a few.

The 02s at half retail or so are a steal. Nothing that I've heard or know of at that price level are even close.

I think is a matter of time. Me like you, if I don't get a decent price I will not sell them and keep the 02s happily. The moment these disappear of the market I think the resale price will go back to normal levels again. I don't mind waiting, since the 02s are really good in any case.
Right to the point.

Specs really mean nothing. They are inexpensive. It is all about implementation and execution, quality of components, termination and the likes that rally makes the difference. But you do have to have a balanced system, with all components at a minimum level, that allows you to hear the differences at these levels.

Regarding improvements, the Esoterics benefit big time from a proper grounding device, as I have been able to hear first hand. Anyone interested, do try the Tripoint Troy grounding system with them and you will freak out.
Right on!

The 02s are fantastic. Not easy to imagine how any digital can get better. But you know how these things go. Sure they will be better. But if I was a buyer and I had 25k to spend, can't see where he is going to get a better value than the 02s.

One thing that has me a bit confused is HDMI. I know they can transfer farther more data, but what kind of HDMI cable do they come with? Knowing fist hand how sensible these things are to cables, I wonder if they are putting there just an HDMI made in china cable, or something made for the Esoteric from acrolink or similar.

Coming back to the 02s, I can say last few weeks have been doing some changes and the system has performed far better. Which means there is still a lot of potential to be taken out of them. Troy has been a game changer, but also SIltech as analog for DAC and Mexcell for digital have proven to be a great addition. Of course the digital gear has to be capable of showing this; the 02s have no problem at all with that.

So as you say, if a good deal comes along great. If not I am positive system can be much improved with the 02s on it.
That is indded a good question. System has noting to do, nor does room which I treated. I also wnet ahead for the 01s and waiting for them to arrive in the next to weeks or so. at that point I may do it.

And I do agree. the 02s is truly outstanding...!
Will share for sure. My expectations are high. We will see and share. Trying to figure out now how to rearrenge the rack and make room for 2 more pieces....
Great Tom. Congrats once more. Keep us posted. You are my only reliable source of info on these!

Also congrats Zephyr on your C02. It has to be great. Never had an esoteric preamp, but had the esoteric phono and it was great. I am sure it is fantastic.

My wife thinks i lost it long ago... So she just lets me do whatever as long as i keep it in the listening room... Starting to be hard though to comply with that.p too.

The Artesania that you have is fantastic. Dont think it gets any better. It will allow to show the 01s all their potentia. I may upgrade my model to that one sometime in the future.
I have mines already in the system also. Still very early days and have not been able to listen much to them but you ca tell very fast they are very special. Quite something. 02s are great; fantastic actually and I can't imagine anyone not being happy with them for many many years. But as good as they are, the 01s are just something else. I don't think there is a digital out there like these.

Will listen and give more feedback with more time on them, but frankly you don't need that much time on them to be able to hear what these things are about...

Will probably start a new post on the 01s as I don't want to convert this one in a 01. Assume people who reads this want info on the 02s above all. I have several years experience on them so will keep it up. Again, don't let my words get anyone down on th e02s. They are fantastic and given me many many hours of joy and could still have lived with them for many years, specially with th clock and right cables.
Hi all,

Just started a new thread on the 01s. For anyone interested:

As for Tony, I have always run all Esoteric on balanced. That is broadly the recommended way although I have nervier run any esoteric of the several models i owned on single ended so can't really say much about differences,