new dcca emmeince power cable

Has anyone heard the new version of this cable, I need another power cable and this one is on my short list, how does it compair to last years model, thanks
Hi, I ended going with the dcca passion pro xxl that I got used on audiogon. I just put the cable on my cd player last night and it is such a sweet cable. It has very powerfull bass, sweet lush midrange, and the little bite I was getting before in the trebel is gone. Swinfrey mentioned that this cable provided a detailed sound that is also smooth and I could not agree with him more. I would like to try this cable on my amp or power conditioner but I may have to move some things around so right now it is staying on my cd player, this is a great cord
Hi Swinfrey,

Could you tell us with what "voicing" you ordered your DCCA Eminence cables (Warm and Rich, Neutral, Best-of-both-Worlds)? I currently have a DCCA Extreme Reference cable connected to my B&K AVR505 and a DCCA Powerwave 5 connected to my Integra DPS-10.5. Both cables are voiced Best of both Worlds. In each case, the addition of the DCCA cable(s) took my system to a whole other level of enjoyment. In my experience, the DCCA cables brings out the emotion in the music. I am considering buying either a Source 3 or Eminence in the future and I am wondering if I should get it Warm and Rich or Best of Both Worlds. This would be used on the Integra DPS-10.5 and I would place the DCCA Powerwave 5 on the Audio Research DAC7. After my positive experience with DCCA cables I have decided to get rid of all my Shunyata cables and replace them with DCCA cables.


Thanks so much for the info, I was looking at pad cables but if I can get almost as good as performance from the dcca cable then I think that is the way I am going to go
Swinfrey, I do agree with you,DCCA cables are really good, it flesh out music out of the system, with full bodied and
musicality,they are hard to beat.
Several months ago I bought three of Don's Eminence power cords and put them on my power conditioner and mono block amps (300B's). To say it made a difference is probably the understatement of the year. I talked to Don recently and the "new" version is pretty much the same as last year's version. I hope that answers your question. But to elaborate a little, the eminence power cord made such a profound improvement on my system I would say that nothing has even come close to improving the overall sound of my system for the dollar spent than DCCA Eminence power cords. I proceeded to buy two more for CD player and phono pre-amp and my word the quality of sound went into the stratosphere. So what am I talking about ? Sound was more detailed with smoothness (not easily done), body of the music was richer with a fullness that wasn't there before, sound staging every which way was wider and deeper, and tonal realism of individual instruments was just plain more realistic. I hope this helps. To me you cannot go wrong dealing with Don at DCCA. If you don't like the sound of his stock cables, he can even tailor the sound to some degree to your liking. I found the Eminence to be so "perfect" for my system I did not find this necessary. If you are wondering how his cable stacks up to others, I do have a Purist 20th Anniversary on my pre-amp which beat out Don's Eminence only by a hair but for several times the price. Cost to performance ratio not even close for me. I recommend the Eminence power cord as the best improvement per dollar spent I have ever made in this hobby of some 30 years. Thank you.