New Cartridge for SME 309

Need help. I've got an SME309/VPI HW19/Mod3A(28db gain phono). Using an AT150ML, twelve years old at least. Had a Dyna 10x4 Mk2 but I killed it. Anyway, getting back into the hobby and interested in a new cartridge.

Here's where I'm at. I was thinking going low output via KandK stepup. Looking at Denon 301 II, Dyna 20xL, Benz Glider. Are the more expensive cartridges worth the price you pay over the Denon? Same goes for the Dyna and Benz. I'm also contemplating going with a 10x5 and just upgrade my table instead. I liked the 10x4 it was music compared to the AT150. Especially important was how quiet it was. If you haven't guessed by now, I'm a cheapo and buy alot of used vinyl. So, that I can spend my money on other more important things, i.e other hobbies. Any other cartridges I should look at. Thanks.

Showing 3 responses by secips

Thanks. Its reassuring to know that my tonearm has that potential. It also good to know that turntable can be very good as well. However, I don't know if I can find all those parts here that quickly, may take awhile. Cost wise it might be just same as getting a decent used table. I'll look into sub $1000 cartridges, ZYX, Shelter.
Hmmmm... top grade cartridge? Gulp. You're making me go against my religion :). Coming from an AT150ml, I don't know if I'll be able to fully appreciate these cartridges. Small steps? Besides, it'll make too much of a dent on my tire and brake budget ;).

I do have the damping attachment on my 309, improves tracking markedly. What's nice about it is that you can turn it on or off, 'cause it doesn't always make things better. I didn't know you could upgrade the bearings. What I wanted was to upgrade the internal wiring, don't know if you can do that either, its sealed from the detachable headshell. I've got a ways to go to make my VPI a Mark IV. I was actually thinking going with a Michell or Oracle which also seems to have synergy with the SME. Any other tables out there?
Update, Well... I went the other way. I got a Shure M97xe. Tsk.. tsk.. I know, I know. I owe it to myself to get a super cartridge and I will. I've been a good boy this year ;)

Anyway, about the Shure. I glued the needle to the body, major improvement. Also, I've got fluid damping on my SME. This works wonders on this cartridge. I don't use the brush on the Shure.