New cables - To judge now or after burn in period?

I am in the midst of auditioning a host of Siltech speaker cables (Siltech Legend 380i & 680i) and interconnects (XLR and RCA - Siltech Legend 380i). Needless to say, they are quite a bit more costly than my existing QED cables (QED Genesis Silver Spiral Bi-wire & QED Signature 40 interconnects).

The Siltech cables are highly recommended by my distributor and seem to be well received by the audiophile press. However, doubts arise as upon trying them at home they do not sound as dynamic as my existing QED cables. While the highs are more resolving and I am hearing things that I have not heard before, the bass seems constricted and the music does not make my feet tap anymore.

Is that because the cables are brand new and have not been burnt in as yet? Or is it because there is no synergy between the cables and my particular system? Or is it a bit of both? If it is a burn in issue, how many hours of burn in is required before I should make a judgment as to whether I prefer the sound of the interconnects and speaker cables?

All inputs or observations are welcome.


Showing 5 responses by oldhvymec

Just let them play for a few days straight. Blanket the speakers for 48-72 hours. But don't listen.. Then remove the blankets at 48 and then at 72..

If you aren't getting happy.. you sure should be.. Don't be moving the cables let everything settle. Copper with silver clad or pure silver 200-400 hours, copper 50-100 (at the most). Its more the dielectric than the actual wire.. OFF the ground.. Wooden blocks I don't care.. UP, It's easier to clean.

Have fun it's actually a requirement. :-)

Mechanical devices such as headphones, speakers, and cars burn in. (Reach specified or optimal performance) after a certain time.


Yea.. The only things I know that "Burn In" are valves (tubes).

Things BURN UP, things burn down. But equipment, cabling and certainly CARS BREAK IN..


From my experience, cables don't "burn in." They either work or are DOA. Low-quality cables may also die without warning.

I think 600 hours total with the most power-hungry gear would do the trick. Sorry about your electricity bill.


So which one is it.. Did you get "Roofied" between post?

If you say YES and NO in the same sentence, you cover all your bases.

I don’t believe in cable burn in. Not going to debate anyone who believes it.


I wouldn’t either if I didn’t know the difference between the two.

Break In.. NOT Burn in..

If your going to sport the name "mastering"? at least get the verbiage correct.. Break in.. Things BREAK IN...

When someone tells me it has to burn in, I get a fire extinguisher, do you understand..

I won’t even buy from a company that uses the term, unless they sell valves.. I know you have a motor in your car.. A starter motor..

I am a master mechanic.. Cables break in/ settle.. period.. Even in my industry, mechanics chase issues behind just that.. Cables with poor contact and poor quality control.. Light bulbs burn in.. The wiring to them breaks in..

What do you think that goo is for between the bulbs and every plug in a car.. or Excavator that stays running.. Without it it won’t. They settle and make a lot better contact.. SHAKING getting better and better. There is a reason.. It’s not an opinion 16th edition 2003 Electrical Engineers. Read about Nano arcing or micro arcing.

Required reading in my field.. I don’t have to be an engineer to read their books, but it sure help to be a mechanic..

They make sure the stuff works, we make sure it’s used... Engineer vs Mechanic. They put stuff together and prototype we fix what they miss and repair their crazy ideas..

"The young don't always do as they are told" The Nox SG-1 (Sept. 12, 1997) ep. 1.08 :-)

I agree cables change less than any other component. But some thing like tone arm cable and RCA feeds from a TT take a LONG time..
While they may not sound bad, they sure don't sound the way they will when they are broken in.. No it's not subtle at all..

There just isn't that much going on TO change.  But change they do.

I'm at 300 or so hours on my ZP3 Decware.. He put Audiophile caps in the thing.. They are real junkers to break in and put up with.. I can't tell if it's the cables in the tonearm or from the tonearm (RCAs)  or just a  bad choice in caps.. I'm just letting it play. I have some good surplus PIO. They tell the story in 2 hours.. 400-500 we'll see if the cables improve.

I'm still changing to Copper foils. Sorry to say but I didn't get either upgrade I ask for. Bees Wax caps in the tape section and copper foils in the phono sections..

I have a pair of well taken care of RCA, I know sound good, they have at least 5000 hours on them. Shunyata Research (great cables) Alfa I think.. The most I ever spent on a cable. I remember that.. They were conditioned 21 days...BEFORE the 5k + hours..

There is no break in. What you hear when cables /wires are new is what they really sound like. The "break-in" is your ears adjusting to the be sound over time.
If break-in was true there'd be science articles explaining how it works and there would never be any arguments over it.


Actually there is no argument about break in, just whether you know about it or not.. Kind of silly statement on your part.. 

Science articles about break in and HOW to accomplish the best results were articles of the 50s, your only 70 years behind..

Enjoy your zip cord, nothing to be ashamed of when you just don't know or just can't hear the difference. We use to see a lot of that 10 years ago.. not so much any more.

Your welcome to read and learn though..
