Bought it today at Borders, put it on and was doing some chores around the house, so not a close listen yet. No complaints, but probably no Handy Award either.
I wonder if this recording is some sort of a response to Sweet Tea's psychodelica? I don't know, but I'm still kinda cool to Sweet Tea. Sometimes I think that it's unlistenable--all that reverb! It's as if Buddy has just discovered the fun of pedals, and he's got 'em all turned up to "11." Still not sure of the point of it all.
Anyway, I think that Blues Singer seems to be an answer to all of those who thought that Sweet Tea was too far out. This latest effort seems to be Buddy saying, "See, I still sing the blues!" I don't think that Buddy needs to do this; I just want him to play the music that HE wants to play. The thing is, Blues Singer is probably closer to home for him. After all, he's pretty much the living history of post-war (that's WW II, y'all!) blues.
Comments? Thoughts?