New Bluesound Node – First Impressions

I'm new to streaming. To get started, I ordered the new Bluesound Node, the just-released successor to the Node2i. It arrived Friday. System: Sonus faber Olympica III speakers, McIntosh MC402 power amp, Magnum Dynalab MD208 used as a preamp, Denon DCD-1600NE SACD/CD player, and various cables, mostly Audioquest. I offer my first impressions, FWIW. I don't claim any particular expertise.

I connected the Node to the pre via Audioquest interconnects. It doesn't accept my aftermarket power cords. Used wireless, not ethernet. I have free trial subscriptions to Amazon Music and Qobuz.

First, Amazon Music. Tried some Beethoven, and some Rameau, with poor results. Compressed, tinny, and unlistenable. 10 minutes of Amazon HD was more than enough.

Next, Qobuz. Brahms, Schumann, Led Zep, Bowie. A very substantial improvement on Amazon HD. Notably, on the same tracks, the Qobuz high-rez sounded significantly better than the Qobuz CD-quality. Differences were immediately apparent on Led Zep's Dazed and Confused, available in both formats.

But the Qobuz high-rez can't compare with CD quality sound on my system as currently configured. On the same recordings, CD quality is clearly superior to Qobuz high-rez played through the Node. Detail, presence, dimensionality – there's no contest.

As a means to explore music to purchase on CD, the Node, playing Qobuz, may or may not suffice. As a substitute for CDs, I very much doubt it will do.

Let me re-emphasize that these are only my first impressions. I don't know how the Node will sound after further break-in, or with an ethernet connection, or with an external DAC, or with different interconnects/preamps/amps/speakers, or with other streaming services. I hope this post is helpful to other forum members considering this or similar equipment.


Showing 1 response by adg101

Every one above is dead on as the internal DAC is the weak link. Ethernet hardwire with Supra Cat 8, build a power cord with cable and Furutech plugs from VH Audio, and a quality coax cable. Lots of great DACs out there that will walk all over the BS DAC. I went with a RME ADI 2fs DAC with Teddy Pardo power supply and I find with Qobuz it’s so close to CDs, good luck telling the difference.

If I compare my BS Vault 2 with RME/TP to my Cambridge 851C with its internal DAC which I was running my Vault through, then the first is superior. The RME/TP is in another league over the DAC in the Cambridge which is much better than the BS DAC. A quality stand alone DAC will make a world of a difference and then don’t skimp on the cables.

 All the cables on my streaming setup probably cost more than the components, as that’s what it took to pull everything I can out of equipment. Once you get it dialed in and if your DAC has preamp out, then go direct to your amp. Not sure before adding the Teddy Pardo power supply I’d prefer running my DAC direct, but with the Teddy, I prefer going direct. 
My first step when I picked up my Vault was power cord and even with the internal DAC it was noticeable. The Vault has to be hardwired so at first I used the ethernet cable that came with, then upgraded to the Supra which again was better. Next with a Nordost Silver Shadow coax I went through my Cambridge 851C and that was the biggest difference to that point. Next the RME DAC, pounced on the Cambridge, and to another level with the Teddy Pardo. Also added a SR Orange fuse to the Teddy. It’s sounds very good and I’m on the fence about pulling the Vault 2 out and look at a Lumin U1 mini with probably another Teddy Pardo power supply.

To wrap it up, don’t expect too much out of the NODE on its own. It can become a really good streamer but it will take more of everything which you can take your time with. Have fun.