New Blue Note XRCDs

Just got the Blue Note XRCDs: Horace Parlin - Speakin My Piece, Sonny Clark - Cool Struttin, Tina Brooks - True Blue. The music stands on its own and is outstanding. These are some of the best sounding disks that I own! Anyone have them and care to comment?

Showing 2 responses by teajay

Rsorren1, I'm in total agreement with your postion regarding both the music and the sonics of these new Blue Note XRCD's. I got the Hank Mobley, Soul Station, to compare the sonics with the regular Red Book issue and was amazed in the improvements across the board sonicly. I'm looking forward getting, when they issue them, Lee Morgan's, Candy, and Horace Silver's Cape Verdan Blues.
Guy's, I thought my post answered your questions regarding how the XRCD's compare sonicly to regular red book and RVG masters. The XRCD's are significantly better then either format by a wide margin. Everything from clarity, timbres, soundstage/air, and microdynamics improve greattly.