New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE

Wow!!..Looks like John hit another home run at Bel Canto with the just released REF 600M using NCORE amplifiers. 300 watts into 8ohms. $4500.00 a pair. The REF 1000M is out of production. I have a feeling this is Bel Canto's best amp ever below the Bel Canto Black. Look forward to Guido checking it out.

Showing 4 responses by hgeifman

Does the Bel Canto Ref600 power amplifier used the NC500 or the NC1200 power module?  I heard each referenced in two different review.  I also know the Ref600 uses the NC1200 power supply.  Thanks..
I found the following in the above post:

"John has also confirmed that each REF600 chassis sports an NCore NC500 amplification module, in addition to an NC1200/700 SMPS".  Thanks.  

Does anyone that purchased the Bel Canto Ref600 mono block amps have any comments on these amps? I am planning on auditioning them shortly and am looking for your comments. All the reviews have been very positive but input from actual owners would be appreciated.  Thanks.