New Bel Canto REF600M using NCORE

Wow!!..Looks like John hit another home run at Bel Canto with the just released REF 600M using NCORE amplifiers. 300 watts into 8ohms. $4500.00 a pair. The REF 1000M is out of production. I have a feeling this is Bel Canto's best amp ever below the Bel Canto Black. Look forward to Guido checking it out.

Showing 1 response by don480

Hi, has anyone compared the REF600m with JC1’s? I am considering moving to the REF600m from my JC1’s. I am wondering if it would be a step up in SQ or about the same? If its either a step up or comparable then I will be making the switch. I love my JC1’s but they displace too much heat and I live in Arizona where our summers are HOT! I have owned the REF1000m and REF500m and I loved both these amps. I have tried W4S SX-1000 which I liked too. I didn’t have the best luck with D-Sonic M3-1500m. The M3-1500m sounded way too bright and cold with my setup. I currently own Salk Soundscape 8’s and have tried the amps mentioned with the Salks and also with my Dynaudio C4’s. Bel Canto comes closet to Class A/B sound that I experienced. A nice warm neutral sound with good tight bass is what I have experienced with Bel Canto’s.