New Audio Aero Capitole - Mid March

Has anyone seen or heard of specifics regarding the new Capitole that's going to be released in the US market sometime in mid-March?

Here's what I've heard: New verson of Anagram's 32/192 DAC, new and better transport, new aluminum chassis, no more front knobs /possibly better looking unit/ DSD pass thru.

If anyone has seen it, please let me know how. Like the knucklehead I can be, I've ordered one sight unseen.

Showing 1 response by sattothestars

As a dealer for Audio Aero,I also have not seen what it looks like.Even Global Marketing,the distributor has NO picture.In all honesty I do not believe we will really see it until the beginning of April.The first real look at it will prbably be at the Montreal show and then it will be released.Considering how good the recent model is,I can only hope it lives up to all the hype considering the 2k price increase.I wonder if this will put a hold on their all in one player.Somehow I suspect the looks may be very similar.