New Apple Lossless encoder??

Category: Digital

"Discerning customers and audiophiles want true CD audio, and now iTunes can give you that quality with the new Apple Lossless encoder. You’ll get the full quality of uncompressed CD audio using about half the storage space. You can copy music in this format onto your iPod or iPod mini, to take perfect audio wherever you go."

Can anyone explain this technology and is it a true statement that all of the sound information encoded on a CD can now be downloaded to an iPod and replayed with that same information and quality???? Or is this just hype and misleading info??

Showing 1 response by rives

I believe John Atkinson did an objective test on this as well, where he actually looked at the bits that were encoded and then decoded using the lossless compression and comparing it to the original data file. He found that it did retain all information as advertised.