New and improved high powered Purifi Module....1ET9040BA

I talk to Warren at VTV weekly as I solder some of his input boards for him. I don’t make money on the amps selling so this is not an ad......just a heads up. Warren thought that the 7040 was a step up sonically from the original 400A. He usually listens to the 7040 with his tube buffer. When he got in the new 9040s and put them in his system he cannot decide which he likes better (tubed 7040 or non tubed 9040)......the new 9040 is really great...."super smooth sounding".

The new 9040 is the first "2nd Generation Eigentakt" circuit. It runs at higher switching frequency and has higher bandwidth.....also has a bridged output and the highest power of any Purifi. The distortion is off the charts low. Over 900 watts into 2 ohms (571 watts into 4 ohms). It takes the power supply directly to the board and the speaker outputs are directly on the board (lowering impedance and shortening the signal path compared to the other Purifi’s). It has more capacitance in the power uses more regulation than the older ones. I really want to hear this thing...I bet it is really great!

A stereo dual mono amp is $2388 including free shipping with my fav op amps, the Sparko 2590s. 30 day return and 2 year warrantee. Mono blocks are a few hundred more.

Class D just keeps getting better and better.

There is a link to the 9040 data sheet on this page:


