New Air Suspension Footers for VPI TNT

During November of last year, I ordered the air suspension footers for my VPI TNT Mk. 3.5 turntable, and I patiently awaited the arrival of the upgraded footers until they finally arrived yesterday. As has been rumored here in this forum, the design of the footers has been upgraded to a sealed design that no longer requires air to be pumped into the footers. The new design should solve the tweaky issues relating to air leakage, periodic re-inflation and periodic re-leveling adjustments. So, for all who are interested, I think you will find that VPI now has the upgraded air suspension footers in stock and available to ship.

Showing 2 responses by rgordonpf

I just exchanged e-mails with Vihn Vu at Gingko Audio. The new VPI TNT footers utilize Vihn's squishy balls. A mini-review of the new footers on Arthur Salvatore's website ( said the following:

"VPI TNT HR-X- One of my associates recently received the new (Gingko, modified, 'squash-type balls') "footers", which directly replace the original air suspension inserts within the four posts, that are used for isolation. He informed me that they definitely made some sonic improvements*, along with eliminating the annoying requirement to regularly pump-up the air isolators, which inevitably leaked a tiny amount of air over time. I don't know the cost and/or availability of the "footers" at this time.

*My associate felt the sound was "rock solid"; with greater "purity"; as well as more "impactful", "punchier" and "tighter bass"; and had a "more open and focused soundstage". He used the expression "greater solidity" more than once."

Hi Gladstone,

Are the paddleballs a direct drop-in replacement for the air bladders, or are other changes needed. I have a TNT-V with the inflatable bladders. It would be nice if I could just buy the paddleballs, remove the bladders, and drop-in the paddleballs.

Thanks for your comments.